Masonic District C - Hamilton, Ontario
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District Newsletter
Click below for the current issue of the District 'C'hronicle. If you know of any brethren who are unable to receive the newsletter in this digital format, please take the time to print a copy for them as well.

Please note, that this newsletter is our newsletter for the district, and all brethren are welcome to make submissions to it. Please direct submissions by clicking to email R.W. Bro. Glen Notman.

•  Jul, 2024 - Edition No. 191 (pdf) In this Issue A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master.. Grand Master’s June Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message Around the District, Our District Lodges - Year at a Glance Masonic Education - Canada Day History Editor’s Note, What Does Lodge Mean To You? We need your responses!
•  Jun, 2024 - Edition No. 190 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master.. Grand Master’s May Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message 169th Grand Lodge Communication Agenda Upcoming District Dates and Events . Around the District Pictures. In Memoriam - Passing of M.W. Bill Pellow Time for Travel, Editor’s Note
•  May, 2024 - Edition No. 189 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master. Grand Master’s April Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message Grand Lodge Meet the Candidates Upcoming District Dates and Events Around the District Pictures Masonic Education. The Candidate and Our Duty to Him In Memoriam, Light Quotes, Editor’s Note
•  Apr, 2024 - Edition No. 188 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master’s March Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message Upcoming District Dates and Events Around the District, Royal Arch Masonry Consecration of Norman E. Byrne Cathedral Masonic Education. .The Moon in Masonic History Memoriam, R.W. Wayne Robinson, Editor’s Note
•  Mar, 2024 - Edition No. 187 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master on Spring and other events. Grand Master’s February Communique. Deputy Grand Master’s Message Upcoming District Dates and Events. Around the District, Official Visits, Coffee Club & Cake. Masonic Education – Columns. Realignment is Here, Editor’s Note- and Memoriam
•  Feb, 2024 - Edition No. 186 (pdf) In this Issue A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master.. Grand Master’s January Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message Upcoming District Dates and Events. Around the District, Winter Meeting and Official Visit Hugh Murray No.602 - A Lodge Profile – 1000 Regular Meetings Hamilton District C Masonic Education, Salutes & Signs More Education - Ancient Measurement Systems. Editor’s Note- and Memoriam
•  Jan, 2024 - Edition No. 185 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master on the New Year Grand Master’s December Communique on fighting Apathy Deputy Grand Master’s Message, Upcoming District Dates and Events, Installations, Official Visits, Scottish Third Degree and Robbie Burns Nights, Around the District, Buchanan Official Visits, The Masonic Foundation - What We Support Masonic Education, Short Talks and Masonic Minutes Editor’s Note- Happy New Year and Facebook Poem
•  Dec, 2023 - Edition No. 184 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master Grand Master’s November Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message Upcoming District Dates and Events Around the District, First Official Visits The Forget Me Not Flower, NFLD & Labrador Masonic Education, Master's Collar & Masonry at a Crossroad. Editor’s Note- John Lyness, In Memoriam
•  Nov, 2023 - Edition No. 183 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master. Grand Master’s October Communique on Leadership. Deputy Grand Master’s Message. Upcoming District Dates and Events. Around the District, V.W. Bro, Simpson and Events. Remembrance, Poppy and Cenotaphs. Masonic Education, Protocol and Etiquette index. Masonic Passport, James Street and CMT Retrospective. Editor’s Note- Missed Meetings, Humour, In Memoriam
•  Oct, 2023 - Edition No. 182 (pdf) In this Issue A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master. Grand Master’s September Communique on Leadership. Deputy Grand Master’s Message & Hamilton RW Assn Pic Upcoming District Dates and Events Around the District, Meridian Amalgamation, Ancient Landmarks 50 & 60 Yr Pins Masonic Education, Malware and Staying Safe District Realignment Proposal and Link Editors Note – In Memoriam.
•  Sep, 2023 - Edition No. 181 (pdf) In this Issue A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master.......... Grand Master’s August Communique on Leadership… Deputy Grand Master’s Communique.............................. Upcoming District Dates and Events ............................... Around the District, Meridian , Coffee Club &Roger 100! Masonic Education, Protect Your Passwords…………..... Learning By Participation.................................................. Editors Note – September Restarts and Erratum…..........
•  Aug, 2023 - Edition No. 180 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master and 100th Birthday for R.W. Bro. Roger Parliament. Extracts From The Grand Master’s 2023 Address. Highlights of the Grand Lodge Communication Masonic Education, Protect Yourself from Phising. Masonic Passport Ketchikan Alaska. Volunteers Wanted, In Memorium, Editors Note.
•  Jul, 2023 - Edition No. 179 (pdf) The Final Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master. Masonic Open 2023 - Mission Services. Grand Master June Communique & Banquet. Deputy Grand Master Communique, Grand Lodge Contest. 168th Annual Communication of Grand Lodge - Voting. Masonic Education - Identify Protection Series.. Around the District Installation and Events.. Stan Satchell Tribute and Editor’s Note.
•  Jun, 2023 - Edition No. 178 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master 168th Annual Communication of Grand Lodge July ‘23 DGM at the Corner Stone Rededication in Black Creek Village Masonic Ed Meritocracy-M.W.Bro. Raymond S.J. Daniels Hamilton C District Dates to Remember, Golf, Installations and Buchanan June 1 BBQ Around the District, and District Spring Meeting Grand Lodge Library - Volunteers Needed! Humour, In Memoriam and Editor’s Note..
•  May, 2023 - Edition No. 177 (pdf) In this Issue A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master on the Day of Masonry and coming together From the Grand Master, April Communique, From the Deputy the April Communique and the details for the Masonic Cornerstone Rededication. Hamilton C District Dates to Remember, June 24th Gold Tourney Around the District, and A Day of Masonry pictures from the event GL Communication, Meet the Candidates. Scottish Rite Mother's Day Event and Editor’s Note.
•  Apr, 2023 - Edition No. 176 (pdf) Featuring our DDGM on the Day of Masonry. Grand Master March Communique Deputy Grand Master March Communique. Link to the March Sankey lecture. Passport to Heritage Lodge Cornerstone re-education From the archives, The Trowel. Events, Editors Note and In Memoriam
•  Mar, 2023 - Edition No. 175 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master., Entwined Destiny. From the Grand Master, February Communique. From the Deputy, DDGM Mid-Term Reports. Hamilton C District Dates to Remember. Around the District, and An event at the Shrine Club. Masonic Ed Cornerstone & May 13 Rededication. Lodge Resources Chair and Cornerstone. Events, and Editor’s Note, Link to subscribe.
•  Feb, 2023 - Edition No. 174 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, Communique on Lodge Viability from the Deputy, Hamilton District C Dates to Remember, Around the District, Masonic Charity, Banquet Photos, a Knife & Fork Degree, A Day of Masonry, Masonic Passport, Lodges of Niagara District B, Upcoming Events, and a note from the Editor.
•  Jan, 2023 - Edition No. 173 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master on the new website From the Grand Master, December Communique. From the Deputy, Communique on the Board of General Purposes and Committees Hamilton C District Dates to Remember for January and February Around the District, send your Events!.Meet the Coffee Break Guys Installation of The Celestial Lodge. Masonic Passport. Lodges of Niagara District A Events, and Editor’s Note.
•  Dec, 2022 - Edition No. 172 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master District Charity Mission Services, From the Grand Master, November Communique From the Deputy, Nov Communique on the College of Freemasonry Hamilton C District Dates to Remember Around the District, Lodge Events are Happening!. Christmas Poem and Greetings from District C Santa: The Saint and the Season from W.Bro. Evans Events, and Editor’s Note
•  Nov, 2022 - Edition No. 171 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master... From the Grand Master, on Contributing to your Lodge.. From the Deputy, Oct Communique on L Forms.. Hamilton C District Dates to Remember.... Around the District, Lodge Events are Happening!.... Masonic Passport Hamilton Brant District.. Why Remember and In Flanders Fields... Events, In Memorium, Editor’s Note..
•  Oct, 2022 - Edition No. 170 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master on Fellowship From the Grand Master, September Communique ,From the Deputy, Branding and Social Media. Hamilton C District Dates to Remember.. A Lecture from the Archives on Hardwood.. Around the District and Buchanan Fraternal Visit. to Ohio, Masonic Passport Hamilton District C Lodges Masonic Education From W.Bro. Lorne Evans on the Sailor King & Queen Victoria.. Events, In Memorium, Editor’s Note.
•  Sep, 2022 - Edition No. 169 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master on Logberg The Grand Master’s Hamilton Itinerary and Grand Lodge Education sessions. Blood Brothers and Blood Donors. Masonic Passport Hamilton District B Lodges Short Talks on Dues Cards and Playing Cards. Upcoming District meeting, Events, In Memorium, Editor’s Note.
•  Aug, 2022 - Edition No. 168 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master on Mentoring in Motion. The Grand Master’s Address from the Annual Communication Highlights of the Grand Lodge Communication. Featuring the Grand Lodge Library. Masonic Passport Hamilton District A Lodge Halls. Masonic Education, The Form of the Lodge. RW Assn BBQ, In Memorium, Editors Note.
•  Jul, 2022 - Edition No. 167 (pdf) Brethren, in this issue, a message from our District Deputy Grand Master on the successful Masonic Open, with pictures from the event! The Grand Master's message on Rust and Restoration from the June Communique The Deputy Grand Master's message on the 5 financial bodies of Grand Lodge Agenda and voting for the Grand Lodge Communication in July Events in Hamilton Masonic District 'C', highlighting the June Installations and a 50 year pin presentation. Announcing the 2023 Masonic Open! Masonic Passport of the Dundas Temple. Saying goodbye to a landmark Masonic Hall. Letter to the Editor on "bootleg copies" of the Work, and the Editor's note.
•  Jun, 2022 - Edition No. 166 (pdf) Brethren, in this issue, a message from our District Deputy Grand Master on agency and our mission., the Grand Master's message on the origin of The Work, The Deputy Grand Master's message on guarding the West Gate and patience, Events in Hamilton Masonic District 'C', Highlighting our upcoming Masonic Open and Lodge Installations, Event highlights and recognition for V.W. Bro. Ray Wilson, a Passport tour of Masonic Island, Masonic Education, Golf humour, and a comment from the Editor.
•  May, 2022 - Edition No. 165 (pdf) Brethren, in this issue, a message from our District Deputy Grand Master on Carpe Diem and reopening, the Grand Master's message on Ritual, Education and Mentoring, The Deputy Grand Master's message on new applicants, In Memoriam to W.M. Mumby, Events in Hamilton Masonic District 'C', Highlighting our upcoming Masonic Open, a Passport tour of Windsor Temple, Masonic Education, and a comment from the Editor.
•  Apr, 2022 - Edition No. 164 (pdf) Brethren, in this issue, a message from our District Deputy Grand Master on the importance of action and honour, the Grand Master's March Communique, the Deputy Grand Master's March Communique, Upcoming Events in Hamilton Masonic District 'C' (both in-person and virtual), a discussion of Ancient Brethren Masonic Lodge, Masonic Education, a brief report on the "Rusty Mason Night", an article on The Old Charges: The Regius Manuscript, and a comment from the Editor.
•  Mar, 2022 - Edition No. 163 (pdf) Brethren in this edition: A Message from our District Deputy Grand Master on reopening and Long Range Planning for the District, From our Grand Master, Feb Communique on Ecclesiastes From the Deputy – Feb Communique – Lodge Scorecard . The Grand Lodge March 1 Covid 19 Update and Safety Planning. District Events and Education Chair .Zoom Meeting Invitation. Masonic Lecture on Visitation and Passport Quiz Answers. A Traveling Man and Masonic Education. Ontario Mason Branding and Editor’s Note..
•  Feb, 2022 - Edition No. 162 (pdf) Message from the DDGM on Agency. January Communique from the Grand Master. COVID-19 Update. Communique from the Deputy Grand Master. Message from the Benevolence Chair on a recent act of charity. Scottish Rite Library and Archives. Masonic Passport. A Tribute to Robbie Burns. Masonic Education. A Note from the Editor.
•  Jan, 2022 - Edition No. 161 (pdf) Message from the DDGM regarding the upcoming Trestleboard and potential changes to the Return. Grand Master's December Communique. December Communique from the Deputy Grand Master. Hamilton District 'C' Forum Recap on 'Christmas Masonic Education'. Masonic Education on the word 'Palliate'. Scottish Rite Library and Archives Reading List. Masonic Passport - Top 5 Masonic Places to visit in the USA. A bit of Humour and Editor's Note.
•  Dec, 2021 - Edition No. 160 (pdf) Message from the DDGM regarding 'New Beginnings'. Grand Master's November Blog. November Communique from the Deputy Grand Master. December Virtual Events. Famous Misquotes, False Quotes, and Misattributed Quotes. Masonic Education on 'Mysteries'. Silent Sermon. Celebrating the Holidays. District Charity Golf Event. Editor's Note.
•  Nov, 2021 - Edition No. 159 (pdf) Message from the DDGM regarding the return to Lodge. Discussion of Rudyard Kipling from Grand Master. October Communique from Deputy Grand Master. Hamilton District C Open House. Upcoming Masonic Forum on Masonic Education. District Charity Golf. New District C Facebook. Masonic Moment on Remembrance Day. Famous Misquotes.
•  Oct, 2021 - Edition No. 158 (pdf) A message from our DDGM. Meet Harold Brooks, District Zoom Meeting and Finding inspiration. Grand Masters October Communique and Covid Update. Deputy Grand Master on mentoring and Grand Secretary reminder on meeting protocols. Upcoming District Forum invitation and Virtual Open House. Our District 'C' charity - Mission Services, Plan your foursome for the golf tournament in 2022. A note about Thanksgiving from our PDDGM archives and Editors note.
•  Sep, 2021 - Edition No. 157 (pdf) Message from the DDGM regarding the importance of communication. Upcoming Masonic forum with R.W. Bro. John L.R. Hay, the Membership Pillar Chair. Grand Lodge Strategic Plan for the 'Next Steps' in Freemasonry. Lecture from R.W. Bro. Glen Notman on 'Staying Sharp' followed up with Masonic Education and the Rusty Mason Program.
•  Aug, 2021 - Edition No. 156 (pdf) Message from our new D.D.G.M. R.W. Bro. William (Bill) Paul. Extracts from the Grand Masters Annual Communication Address including Hamilton Area Highlights and Recognitions. Grand Lodge Voting Results. Hamilton District ‘C’ - August Masonic Forum, Strategic Planning and Meet the Team. Protocol and Etiquette A Thank you to R.W. Bro. Crutcher, List of P&E Articles. Humour, Editors Note and In Memoriam.
•  Jul, 2021 - Edition No. 155 (pdf) An interesting Hindu legend on the search for truth from our DDGM. The G.M. outlines some imaginative possibilities for lodges. The DGM on technological updates from G.L. There is a recap of the June Forum. Information from the G.S. re. elections. There is a history of the formation of the Canadian Flag. Protocol and Etiquette talks about dress codes.
•  Jun, 2021 - Edition No. 154 (pdf) A message about being inspired from our D.D.G.M. Our G.M. on accessibility. The D.G.M. on virtual meetings. G. Secretary on elections and registration. The G. Treasurer on FAQ's for the proposed introduction of a levy of $20.00 per year. Virtual events and the District Forum, Protocol and etiquette - more on dress codes. Our District Guidelines. Masonic Symbolism. A little Humour, In Memoriam and the message from the Editor.
•  May, 2021 - Edition No. 153 (pdf) D.D.G.M. The importance of charity as it arises from within the person. G.M. The advantages of smaller lodges. D.G.M. The introduction of a Brand Standards Manual for masonic logos. G. Treasurer The importance of keeping members interested in a time of declining membership. The proposed introduction of a levy of $20.00 per year. G. Secretary The dynamics of this years virtual annual meeting. The planning of events, involving G.L. once we re-open. Meet the candidates for G.L. office. Protocol and etiquette - dress codes. The meaning of exoteric labour and the word hele.
•  Apr, 2021 - Edition No. 152 (pdf) DDGM message re significance of faith, hope and charity. G.M. outlined the process for electing G.L. Officers, this year. D.G.M. reported on the changes in in voting for constitutional amendments this year and next. W. Bro. Bill Paul outlined the G.M.'s latest web presentation. The significance of the altar and its arrangements is included. There is an article on the mason's duty to society and one on the ancient meaning of the word enthusiast. As well as one on the origins of Easter.
•  Mar, 2021 - Edition No. 151 (pdf) Message from our DDGM re. how we should investigate whether our lodges should go dark, amalgamate or revitalize in a healthy directions which does not necessarily mean an increase in membership. From the G.M. on how re have recovered from past crises. The D.G.M. has outlined the voting procedures for amendments at this this year's virtual G.L. communication. Information from around the district and an article on protocol and etiquette as well as one on the. use of swords in lodge. An article on the meaning of charity towards others. And a piece on the need for dedicated email addresses for lodges.
•  Feb, 2021 - Edition No. 150 (pdf) Message from our D.D.G.M. on synchronicity. The G.M. description of events. Etiquette for introducing visitors. Masonic education on the word dilate. Discussion on labour as self-improvement. Lecture on the rough and perfect ashlar.
•  Jan, 2021 - Edition No. Edition No. 149 (pdf) Message on inspiration for the New Year from our D.D.G.M. Proper protocol when speaking on international internet forums from the G.S. Policies on continued closures from the G.M. Functions of various G.L. committees and the email addresses of the chairs from the D.M. Outline of the January Forum from the Past Master's Association Protocol and Etiquette for walking on the Mosaic Pavement. also articles on the importance and history of the Masonic Handshake and the allegorical significance of labour as it refers to working together.
•  Dec, 2020 - Edition No. 148 (pdf) Xmas message from D.D.G.M. based on Charles Dickens; Xmas message from G.M. based on the number of festivals of light during this season; Resources from the D.G.M. related to online masonic education meetings; Outline of the December District Forum; Protocol and Etiquette for announcing visitors; An archived lecture from R.W. Bro. Thomas R. Marshall on the spirit of Xmas; The meaning of Chanukah; A review of a new book by R. W. Bo. Lorne G. Evans on the Kings and Queens of England; Definition of the word assiduity.
•  Nov, 2020 - Edition No. 147 (pdf) The theme of the newsletter is Remembrance. Message for D.D.G.M. with inspiration from General and Brother Douglas MacArthur. Reflection from G.M. on a relative lost in WW1. Message of support from D.G.M. related to extended closure of lodges, An archived message from R.W. Bro. Geoffrey Allan. Also an outline of the proper way to do introductions.
•  Oct, 2020 - Edition No. 146 (pdf) Reflections on the spirit of Thanksgiving and Charity from our D.G.G.M. - The benefits of video conferencing during and after the pandemic from the G.M.-Benefits of recruitment website form our D.G.M.- Photos of the District meeting - Outline of the Moon and Masonry especially as related to Moon Lodges form W. Bro. Lorne Evans - Outline of etiquette related to saluting- archived speech form R. W. Bro. M.J. Kingsley on the benefits of reference books on Freemasonry- Masonic Education re. chapiters from W Bro. Marshall Kern..
•  Sep, 2020 - Edition No. 145 (pdf) Reflections from the D.D.G.M. on the Hermetic Philosophy, Covid 19 update from the G.M., Appeal from the Hamilton learning Centre for Volunteers, History of Labour Day, Head Table etiquette - toasts, Definition of the word appellation, Lecture from the late R.W. Bro. Eduardo Cordero on the real secret of Freemasonry,
•  Aug, 2020 - Edition No. survey overview (pdf)  
•  Aug, 2020 - Edition No. 144 (pdf) Messages from D.D.G.M. & R. W Bro.. G.S.Allen re. survey results. Message form G.M. encouraging virtual meetings and education. History of 1918 pandemic and its effect on lodge growth. Portraits of Hamilton area G.M.'S Meridian's donation to food share. History of Freemasonry. Plea for blood donations Head table introductions etiquette. Overview of survey results attached as well.
•  Jul, 2020 - Edition No. 143 (pdf) Message form our D.D.G.M. explaining St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. The G.M. outlines a quote by Henry David Thoreau (an 19th century transcendentalist) on paying attention to the what is immediate, An explanation from M.W. Raymond S. Daniels on the terms concord and happiness. An outline of the history of the Ancient Order of Foresters also there are instructions for proper seating at the head table. As well as a definition of the term preferment.
•  Jun, 2020 - Edition No. Edition No. 142 (pdf) D.D.G.M - supportive message and prayer during isolation. G.M - . reflections on the value of rest and slowing down. D.G.M.. planning for the near and more distant future. Outline of a Masons parade of cars in support of our ill and isolated.Brethren. presentation on the. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. Outline of popper seating for the head table. History of the Irish Benevolent .Society.
•  May, 2020 - Edition No. 141 (pdf) Inspiring poem from D.D.G.M.; updates form GM. & D.G.M.; Message for Rev. Dr. Simon Thorn Gr. Chaplain of UGLE; Explanation of sere of old age; History of Mother Kilwinning Lodge No.0; Explanation of tassels & N.E. angle; offerings of the College of Freemasonry; the arrest & conviction of Bonnie & Clyde; history of the Oddfellows.
•  Apr, 2020 - Edition No. 140 (pdf) In this edition: A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master, Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Grand Master Communique, Deputy Grand Master Covid 19 Cancellations,,Around the District, the Craft Association Gala, and John MacPherson 50 year pin. Protocol & Etiquette Tips " Please take a seat, just not here" head table seating College of Freemasonry overview of course modules Masonic Foundation in Hamilton C District. In Memoria for Allard Loopstra & Don Falconer, Editor’s Note
•  Mar, 2020 - Edition No. Edition 139 (pdf) This edition contains a theme related to the importance of ritual, meditation, and spiritual development through the study of allegory. This is especially l important to our younger members
•  Feb, 2020 - Edition No. 138 (pdf) There is a wealth of interesting information in this edition from a discussion of Masonic Philosophy, to an analysis of our past and current positions as well as goals and objective for the coming year. YOu will see current news of the district and an outline of the extensive of material in our library,
•  Jan, 2020 - Edition No. 137 (pdf) D.D.G.M. presentation re. Robert Burns; G.M. discussion of festivals of light at this time of year; D.G.M. reminder of 3 key initiatives ritual, education and mentoring; history of the St. Georges Benevolent Society; outline of proper method of saluting; perspectives of Brethren on Freemasonry.
•  Dec, 2019 - Edition No. 136 (pdf) D.D.G.M. - Description of Scottish Aprons; G.M. - importance of ritual; Deputy G.M. - Functions of B.O.G.P.;Grand Secretary- Email addresses for G.L. business. Instruction for entry to Lodge on D.D.G.M, official visit. Article on the importance of St. John the Evangelist; Poem on Xmas Lodge.
•  Nov, 2019 - Edition No. 135 (pdf) R,W, Bro. Jason McCulloch's message, The M. W. Bro. David Cameron's communique on Charity. Grand Secretary's note on Surrendering Your Warrant. The D.G.M. on Renewing our Board of General Purposes. Submissions on Benevolence, Sons of England, Poppy Protocol, Perspectives, Pictures from the month, Upcoming Events, and Obituaries for V.W. Bro. George Post and V.W. Bro. Archie McQuilkie.
•  Oct, 2019 - Edition No. 134 (pdf) R,W, Bro. Jason McCulloch's description Rosslyn Chapel, The M. W. Bro. David Cameron's outline of structural changes to G.L. R.W. Bro. Elgie's history of the Hindoo Koosh Grotto, in Hamilton. W. Bro. Lorne Evan' description of the Philadelphia Temple.A new mason's view of the craft. Obituary for Bro. Robert Bruce Cruickshanks.
•  Sep, 2019 - Edition No. 133 (pdf) Featuring R.W. Bro. Jason McCulloch's visit to Kilwinning Lodge No.0 in Scotland;Visits to Hamilton by the G.M.; Dates to remember; Photos of 23rd annual Beef and corn Roast; History of the Grotto; Story on Blackwood Lodge at Black Creek Pioneer Village; In Memoriam for Bro. Richard Thomas Hearn, Bro. Alexander Roy MacRae and Bro. Anthony Alfred Tomkins .
•  Aug, 2019 - Edition No. 132 (pdf) Featuring an Introduction to our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge Appointments Dates to Remember, Around the District, Past Master Association - A Brief History and 2019-2020 Agenda New Series on Fraternal Organizations, Grand Lodge Strategic Toolkit, Main Street Masonic Center and Editor's Note with a draft copy of the DDGM Installation and Official Visit calendar,
•  Jul, 2019 - Edition No. 131 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, Communication of Grand Lodge July 2019 Discussion / Participation Seminars, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Freemasonry in Hamilton Part 11 The Buchanan Lodge, Passport Masonic Tour of Southern Ireland, Remembering V.W. Bro. Desmond Washer, In Memoriam, From the Editor
•  Jun, 2019 - Edition No. 130 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Secretary, Buchanan Centenial Gala, 164th Communication of Grand Lodge July 2019, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Freemasonry in Hamilton Part 10, 150th Anniversary of Scottish Rite in Canada Performance, From the Editor, Cheque Presentation to Maudie Morgan, In Memoriam
•  May, 2019 - Edition No. 129 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Freemasonry in Hamilton Part 9, Valley Lodge Post Sesqui-Centennial, Westmount Lodge Community Service, Masonic Widow Pin Presentations, From the Editor, Golf Humour, Sankey Lecture Celebrating 10 Years, In Memoriam
•  Apr, 2019 - Edition No. 128 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Freemasonry in Hamilton Part 8, Survey Results, From the Editor, In Memoriam, Passport
•  Mar, 2019 - Edition No. 127 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Buchanan Lodge Centennial Gala, a message from the Grand Secretary, CHarles A. Snakes Lecture Series, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Masonic Talks, Freemasonry in Hamilton Part 7, Cornerstone, From the Editor, In Memoriam
•  Feb, 2019 - Edition No. 126 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, MasoniCh.I.P. Program, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Five M's (Banquet Address June 27, 2018), Freemasonry in Hamilton Part 6, Cornerstone, From the Editor, In Memoriam
•  Jan, 2019 - Edition No. 125 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Freemasonry in Hamilton Part 5, From the Editor, Millennial Apprentice, In Memoriam
•  Dec, 2018 - Edition No. 124 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Freemasonry in Hamilton Part 4, Festive Greetings, Passport to Masonry: Raising a Son-in-Law, From the Editor, In Memoriam
•  Nov, 2018 - Edition No. 123 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Digital Ambassador, 2016 - 2021 Strategic Plan Framework, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Story of the Poppy, Peace Tower Memorial Chamber, Doughnut Dollies, From the Editor, Nine Noble Virtues, In Memoriam
•  Oct, 2018 - Edition No. 122 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, from the Grand Master, and from the Deputy Grand Master, Welcome to Harodim Lodge, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Fraternal Visits, Cornerstone Lodges, Free Masonry in Hamilton Part 3, From the Editor, 150th Anniversary of Scottish Rite in Canada
•  Sep, 2018 - Edition No. 121 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Annual Masonic Beef and Corn Roast, Dates to Remember, Charles A. Sankey Lecture in Masonic Studies, MasoniC.H.I.P. Program, The Mindset List of Generation X, Passport - Planning a Masonic Visit, Free Masonry in Hamilton Part 2, Coins and Medallions From The Time Capsules 1872 & 1975, From the Editor, In Memoriam
•  Aug, 2018 - Edition No. 120 (pdf) Featuring a biography of our new District Deputy Grand Master, 163rd Communication of Grand Lodge 2018, Dates to Remember (including Amalgamation Ceremony), Charles A. Sankey Lecture in Masonic Studies, Love of Learning Gala, Fatherhood and Masonry, Freemasonry in Hamilton, Grand Lodge Website, Guide to Masonic Benevolence, Historical Archives the York Papers, From the Editor, In Memoriam
•  Jul, 2018 - Edition No. 119 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, In Memorium M.W. Bro. C. Edwin Drew, Dates to Remember (including Amalgamation Ceremony), Charles A. Sankey Lecture in Masonic Studies, Love of Learning Gala, Around the District, What is Harodim, Remembering R.W. Bro. Frank Richard Fordham, From the Editor, In Memoriam
•  Jun, 2018 - Edition No. 118 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, In Memorium, Grand Lodge 161st Annual Communication, Dates to Remember, Around the District, History and Freemasonry, M.W. Bro. John Ross Robertson and the OHL 2018 Champions the Hamilton Bulldogs, Masonic Passport, A Masonic Scrapbook, From the Editor, In Memoriam
•  Jun, 2018 - Edition No. 118 (pdf) Featuring messages from our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, In Memorium, Grand Lodge 161st Annual Communication, Dates to Remember, Around the District, History and Freemasonry, M.W. Bro. John Ross Robertson and the OHL 2018 Champions the Hamilton Bulldogs, Masonic Passport, A Masonic Scrapbook, From the Editor, In Memoriam
•  May, 2018 - Edition No. 117 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Team, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge 161st Annual Communication, Dates to Remember, Around the District, History and Freemasonry, Book Review - "Holy Grail Across the Atlantic", Masonic Passport, In Memorium, From the Editor
•  Apr, 2018 - Edition No. 116 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Team, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Charles A. Sankey Lecture Series, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Annual Corn Roast, 160th Anniversary of the Union Medal, Scottish Rite or York Rite, Chapter of Rose Croix, In Memorium, From the Editor
•  Apr, 2018 - Edition No. 116 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Team, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Charles A. Sankey Lecture Series, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Annual Corn Roast, 160th Anniversary of the Union Medal, Scottish Rite or York Rite, Chapter of Rose Croix, In Memorium, From the Editor
•  Mar, 2018 - Edition No. 115 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Reflections, Annual Communication Room Booking, Dates to Remember, Grand Master's Banquet, Around the District (Official Visits, Installations), Call for Volunteers for Annual Corn Roast, Don't be FLU-ish, The Silent Summons, St. Patrick's Day and Freemasonry, Sacred Texts, In Memorium, From the Editor
•  Feb, 2018 - Edition No. 114 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Five Steps to Application, Dates to Remember, Charles A. Sankey Lecturer, Around the District (Official Visits, Installations), Canada's Great Seal, Robbie Burns, Learning Masonic Ritual, Masonic Essay Contest 2018, Humourous Musings, Memorium, From the Editor
•  Jan, 2018 - Edition No. 113 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Dates to Remember, Around the District (Official Visits, Installations and Breakfast with Santa), The Seal or Crest of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, Masonic Essay Contest 2018, Grand Lodge, In Memorium, From the Editor
•  Dec, 2017 - Edition No. 112 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Dates to Remember, Around the District (Fraternal Visits and Special events), Tercentenary: At Royal Albert Hall, Craft Stewardship News, Strengthening the West Gate, Reflections, Humourous Musings, From the Editor
•  Nov, 2017 - Edition No. 111 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Dates to Remember, Around the District (Fraternal Visits and Special events), Remembrance Day, Reflections, Tear Drop Memorial, Humourous Musings, the Trial of Ebeneezer Scrooge, In Memorium, From the Editor
•  Oct, 2017 - Edition No. 110 (pdf) Featuring a message of our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, Scottish Rite piece, Dates to Remember, Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge, Around the District (Fraternal Visits), Quadrivium and Trivium, Humourous Musings, From the Editor
•  Sep, 2017 - Edition No. 109 (pdf) Featuring a message of our DDGM, Canada's Sesquicentennial Freemasonry and Confederation, Dates to Remember, Around the District (Beef and Corn Roast), Masonic Historic Celebration, King George VI - Victory Stamp, Protocol and Etiquette, Humourous Musings, From the Editor
•  Aug, 2017 - Edition No. 108 (pdf) Featuring a biography of our DDGM, Grand Lodge Officer Appointments 2017-2018, Hamilton District C Leadership Team, Pictures from the 162nd Annual Communication, Shrine Peace Memorial at the CNE, History of the General Charge, the Editor's Note, Upcoming Dates and more.
•  Jul, 2017 - Edition No. 107 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, 300th Anniversary Open House, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Masonic Calendars, Humerous Musings, From the Editor, In Memorium
•  Jun, 2017 - Edition No. 106 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Nominations for 162nd Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Article on 70th Grand Lodge Communications in Hamilton, Humourous Musings, Prostate Hope, In Memorium
•  May, 2017 - Edition No. 105 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Agenda for 162nd Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Article on Vimy Ridge, Grand Lodge 300th Anniversary, Communications Bulletins
•  Apr, 2017 - Edition No. 104 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, new Scottish Rite website, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Hamilton's Masonic Past, Grand Masters Special Communications - Masonic Open Houses, Ontario Freemasons Celebrate 300 Years, Valley Lodge Golf Tournament, Communications Bulletins
•  Mar, 2017 - Edition No. 103 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, Masonic Essay Contest a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Communication Bulletins, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Cornerstone Project Ideas, Dufferin Lodge No. 291's The Wellington District 18th Century Degree Team, In Memorium, Canadian Masonic Commemorative Coins
•  Feb, 2017 - Edition No. 102 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman (with special 300 Years of Freemasonry and 150 Years of Canada Coin), a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Dates to Remember, Around the District (Official Visits, Installations, Robbie Burns Evenings, Mid Term Meeting, Past Masters' Association), Social Media Policy and Guidelines of Grand Lodge, Cornerstone Project Ideas, Rusty Mason Program, In Memorium,
•  Jan, 2017 - Edition No. 101 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Dates to Remember, Around the District (Official Visits, Installations, Masonic Beef and Cornroast 2016, Breakfast with Santa, MasoniC.H.I.P. At the Rite and Hamilton District C Hockey), What will the Lodges in the future look like?, In Memorium, Charles A. Sankey Lecture series, New Heritage Lodge No. 730
•  Dec, 2016 - Edition No. 100 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Dates to Remember, Around the District, A Masonic Christmas Story, Eight Steps to Excellence, Mentors and Postings, Communication Bulletins, Charles A. Sankey Lecture Series, District 'C'hronicle 100th Edition
•  Nov, 2016 - Edition No. 99 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Love of Learning Gala, Mentoring, New Mentoring Notes,, Why Remember Rememberance Day?, In Memoriam
•  Oct, 2016 - Edition No. 98 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our GM M.W. Bro. John C. Green, a message from our DGM R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, Dates to Remember, Around the District, Being a Father and a Freemason, Lodge Officer Learning Curve, In Memoriam, Prostate Hope Charitable Project
•  Sep, 2016 - Edition No. 97 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our DDGM, 300 Year Anniversary of Grand Lodge of England, Dates to Remember, An Irish Brother Visits, remembering R. W. Bro. Eduardo Cordero, Masonic Blood Donors, Study of Freemasonry, College of Freemasonry, In Memorium, Cornerstone Lodges
•  Aug, 2016 - Edition No. 96 (pdf) Featuring an introduction of our new DDGM R.W. Bro. Craig L. Knapman, a message from our DDGM, Grand Lodge updates, Hamilton District 'C' Leadership Team 2016/2017 and key events, Dates to Remember, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Masons, "Lessons Learned on the Path"; Symbolic File Article #12
•  Jul, 2016 - Edition No. 95 (pdf) Featuring messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Collected Works Of M.W. Bro. Raymond S. J. Daniels, Grand Lodge Websites and Videos, Vimy Ridge Memorial, Upcoming Events, Around the District, "Are Symbols Relevant Today?"; Symbolic File Article #11, In Memoriam
•  Jun, 2016 - Edition No. 94 (pdf) Featuring messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Grand Lodge July Agenda, DDGM Year at a Glance, District C Annual Picnic, Upcoming Events, Around the District, In Memoriam, "Symbolism in Art and Architecture" Symbolic File Article #10
•  May, 2016 - Edition No. 93 (pdf) Featuring messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Grand Lodge July Agenda, Masonic Education: Cornerstone Project, Women's Freemasonry, Masonic Legacy Tour, Upcoming Events, Around the District, "The Schematic Lodgel" Symbolic File Article #8, In Memorium,
•  Apr, 2016 - Edition No. 92 (pdf) Featuring messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, The Legacy and Collected Works of M.W. Bro. Daniels, Masonic Education: Long Range Planning, Cryptic Rite, A Tribute to V.W. Bro. Aikman, Upcoming Events, Around the District, "History, Myth and Symbol" Symbolic File Article #8, In Memorium,
•  Mar, 2016 - Edition No. 91 (pdf) Featuring messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Prostate Hope Fundraiser, Masonic Education: The Broken Column, Ontario Masonic Education Conference, Knights Templar, Upcoming Events, Around the District, "Masonry and Geometry" Symbolic File Article #7, In Memorium,
•  Feb, 2016 - Edition No. 90 (pdf) Featuring messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Prostate Hope Fundraiser, Ontario Masonic Education Conference, Final A Masonic Minute and tribute to M.W. Bro. Raymond S. J. Daniels, Shriners International, Hamilton District C Strategic Planning Session, A Historic Evening at The Electric Lodge No.495, Travelling VOTSL, The 18th Annual Robbie Burns Night of The Electric Lodge No. 495, Upcoming Events, Around the District, "The Symbols of the Temple" Symbolic File Article #6, In Memorium,
•  Jan, 2016 - Edition No. 89 (pdf) Featuring messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Brother to Brother Program, A Masonic Minute; A Masonic Parable, International Order of the Rainbow Girls, Order of the Amaranth, Upcoming Events, Around the District, Breakfast with Santa, District C hockey Jerseys, "Masonry and CG Jung" The Symbolic File Article #5, In Memorium,
•  Nov, 2015 - Edition No. 88 (pdf) Featuring messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Article on "Corn Huskers'" Donation, DeMoley, Pictures from Around the District, , A Masonic Minute; Reflections, A Poem titled: "Christmas Lodge", Upcoming Events, In Memorium, "The Symbolic Path" The Symbolic File Article #4,
•  Nov, 2015 - Edition No. 87 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Bro. James Maxwell the William Mercer Wilson Medal Recipient write up, Poppy Article ,A Masonic Minute, Upcoming Events, Around the District, Table Lodge, "A Symbolic Secret" The Symbolic File Article #2,
•  Oct, 2015 - Edition No. Edition Number 86 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, picture of Bro. James Maxwell the William Mercer Wilson Medal Recipient with Grand Lodge Officers, Grand Lodge Programs, Lodge Mentoring Videos, an article on the Order of the Eastern Star, A Masonic Minute, Upcoming Events, Around the District, MasoniCh.I.P. article, "The Lodge as a Symbol" The Symbolic File Article #2,
•  Sep, 2015 - Edition No. 85 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, introduction of the Grand Master, Upcoming Lodge of Instruction, the District C Project, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Dates to Remember, Around the District, and Symbols and Allegory.
•  Aug, 2015 - Edition No. 84 (pdf) Featuring a bio of our DDGM, Information from the Annual Communication, this year's District C Team, Dates to Remember, Royal Arch Masonry, Explanation of the MM Certificate, Listen to Your Heart, Stories in the Stones, and Upcoming Events.
•  Jul, 2015 - Edition No. 83 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, dates to remember, Grand Lodge Elections and Seminars and our DDGM's Photo Gallery
•  Jun, 2015 - Edition No. 82 (pdf) Messages from our DDGM, GM and DGM, Dates to Remember, Grand Lodge Elections and Seminars, Photo Gallery 2014-2015
•  May, 2015 - Edition No. 81 (pdf) Including Messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Dates to Remember, Grand Lodge Nominees and District Charity Project #2560
•  Apr, 2015 - Edition No. 80 (pdf) Including messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Events, Dates to Remember and the District Deputy Grand Masters' Night
•  Mar, 2015 - Edition No. 79 (pdf) Messages from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM; a Masonic Minute/Education and Events & Programmes within the District.
•  Feb, 2015 - Edition No. 78 (pdf) Messages from our DDGM, GM and DGM, The Lewis Jewel and Upcoming Events.
•  Jan, 2015 - Edition No. 77 (pdf) Messages from our DDGM, our GM, our DGM; in memoriam, M.W. Bro. Robert Edwin Davies; upcoming events.
•  Dec, 2014 - Edition No. 76 (pdf) A Message from our DDGM, our GM and our DGM, Events, History and Education.
•  Nov, 2014 - Edition No. 75 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, our GM and DGM, Around the Hamilton Districts, District C Calendar, Chaplain/Events/From the Editor and Bits and Pieces for Reflection
•  Oct, 2014 - Edition No. 74 (pdf)

Messages from our DDGM, from our GM and DGM, Around the Hamilton Districts, District C Calendar, Events and History Bits

•  Sep, 2014 - Edition No. 73 (pdf) Featuring a message from our District Deputy Grand Master, our Grand Master, Around the District, District C Calendar, District Officers and Events
•  Aug, 2014 - Edition No. 72 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, College of Freemasonry, Upcoming Events, Grand Lodge and Hamilton Districts Elections and Appointments and Chaplain's and Editor's Corners
•  Jul, 2014 - Edition No. 71 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master - Registration Information for voting at Grand Lodge, Nominees for Grand Lodge Offices, Agenda for Grand Lodge Communications, Around the District and Upcoming Events
•  Jun, 2014 - Edition No. 70 (pdf) Featuring an article by our DDGM, a message from our Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master's Reception and Banquet, Ultimate Exotics Food Drive and Upcoming Events and Installations
•  May, 2014 - Edition No. 69 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, The Craftsmen have done their duty, Past Masters' Association AGM, Blood Donors Update, the Ultimate Food Drive, Lodge Elections, In Memoriam, May Installations and Upcoming Events.
•  Apr, 2014 - Edition No. 68 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, our GM and DGM, A Masonic Minute, Tools of the Travelling Mason, Around the District and Upcoming Events
•  Mar, 2014 - Edition No. 67 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, messages from our GM and DGM, A Masonic Minute, Upcoming Events and In Memoriam
•  Feb, 2014 - Edition No. 66 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, messages from our GM and DGM, A Masonic Minute, PMA Breakfast and Meeting, Around the District and Interesting Websites
•  Jan, 2014 - Edition No. 65 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, messages from our GM and DGM, December's PMA meeting, Upcoming Events, Our first GM, Around the District and Who's In Charge?
•  Dec, 2013 - Edition No. 64 (pdf) Featuring an article from our DDGM, our GM, our Deputy GM, Heritage No. 730, N2N, Around the District and Who's In Charge?
•  Nov, 2013 - Edition No. 63 (pdf)
Featuring a letter from our DDGM, notes from our Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, Rememberance Day, Past Masters Association, Around the District, Official Visits & Installations
•  Oct, 2013 - Edition No. 62 (pdf) Featuring an article from our DDGM, our GM, our Deputy GM, District C Fall Meeting Report, Upcoming Events, Around the District, Who's In Charge? and October Official Visits
•  Sep, 2013 - Edition No. 61 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, District Charity Update/MasoniCHIP Update, From the Grand Master/Lodges of Instruction/Wisdom, Interesting Websites, Upcoming Events, In Memoriam/Masonic Dinner at the CNE/Past Masters', Association Greetings from the President and Around the District.
•  Aug, 2013 - Edition No. 60 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, Results of the G.L. Elections, Appointments, Secrets and Mysteries, Who's in Charge?, What is a Mason?, Craft Association's Executive and Seminar Lineup, District Charity Final Report, Upcoming Events, Around The District, Interesting Websites, and Explore the G.L. Website.
•  Jul, 2013 - Edition No. 59 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, A Masonic Moment, Who's in Charge? - Meridian Lodge, A Young Man's Journey Part III, Blood Donor Report, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, Around The District, Intersting Websites, District Charity Update, and Grand Lodge Nominations for 2013.
•  Jun, 2013 - Edition No. 58 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, District Charity Update, From the Grand Master, Seminars and Workshops at the G.L. Communication, Whois in Charge? - Landmarks/Doric and Historic Seal, Uxbridge Masonic Exhibit, A Young Man's Jounrey - Part II, Blood Donors Report, In Memoriam, Communications Committee Report, Around the District, Installations, Upcoming Events, Interesting Websites, and 2013 Nominations for Grand Lodge.
•  May, 2013 - Edition No. 57 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, District Charity Update, Who's in Charge Here? - Ionic Lodge No. 549, District C Installations, A Young Man's Journey, Picnic Committee Needs Help, Proverbs, Blood Donor Report, Morley Balinson Q.D.J.A. Winner, Around The District, Upcoming Events, and Interesting Websites.
•  Apr, 2013 - Edition No. 56 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, District Charity Update, Who's in Charge Here? - Seymour Lodge No. 272, White Ball Elects, Black Ball Rejects Part II, Ont. MasoniCh.I.P. Receives Acclaim, Local Here To Help, G.L. Correspondence Courses, Blood Donors Update, Being a Mason, Masonic Challenge 2013, Around The District, Upcoming Events, and more.
•  Mar, 2013 - Edition No. 55 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, District Charity Update, From the Grand Master, The Newly Appointed Grand Registrar, Who's in Charge Here - Hugh Murray No. 602, White Ball Elects, Around the District, A Masonic Moment - The Canadian Maple Leaf Flag, Blood Donors' Clinic, In Memoriam, and Upcoming Events.
•  Feb, 2013 - Edition No. 54 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, District Charity Update, DDGM Communique, Who's in Charge - Westmount Lodge No. 671, Famous Masons - Robbie Burns, Around The District, Blood Donors', DDGM Official Visit, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, and the Importance of Visitation.
•  Jan, 2013 - Edition No. 53 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, In Memoriam, Who's in Charge Here, Lessons in Masonry - part 2, Capital Column, Around the District, Blood Donors Committee, DDGM Itinerary, and Upcoming Events.  
•  Dec, 2012 - Edition No. 52 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, Who's in Charge Here - Dufferin Lodge No. 291, The Lessons of Masonry Part 1, Toronto Masonic Temple Closing, The District Charity Project Update, Interesting Websites, Around the District, December Official Visits and Installations and Upcoming Events.
•  Nov, 2012 - Edition No. 51 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Master's Charitable Project, Letter from Autism Ontario, the Sponsor's Responsibility, Who's in Charge Here? the Forget-Me-Not, Lodge Resources a Primer, Blood Donor Clinics, The Junior Warden's Toast, Go Gently, In Memoriam, Around the District, DDGM Official Visits, November Installations, and Upcoming Events.
•  Oct, 2012 - Edition No. 50 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, the DDGM's Charity of Choice, Craft Association, MASONICh.I.P, Blood Donor Clinic, Cemetery Tour, Masonic Education, Board of Relief, Around the District, In Memoriam, DDGM Official Visits, October Installations, Interesting Websites, and Upcoming Events.
•  Sep, 2012 - Edition No. 49 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, From the College of Freemasonry, Who's in Charge Here?, Valley Lodge and Wrdrope Lodge, Past Masters' Assoc., DDGM's Charity Project, MasoniCh.I.P., Around the District, In Memoriam, D.D.G.M. Official Visits, Ocotober Installations, Interesting Websites, and Upcoming Events
•  Aug, 2012 - Edition No. 48 (pdf) Featuring our new DDGM, a Message from the Grand Master, Release of the Phase 2A GL Website, Grand Lodge Election Results, W.M. Profile Publishing Schedule, Blood Donors Needed, Past Masters' Assoc - Guide Dogs, Detroit Temple Updates, Colour Symbolism in Freemasonry, All you ever wanted to know about MASONICh.I.P, Around the District, DDGM Official Visits, October Installations, Interesting Websites, and Upcoming Events.
•  Jul, 2012 - Edition No. 47 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, Agenda for the 157th Annual Communication, Nominations for Grand Lodge, Who's in Charge Here?, The Life of Sir Allen Napier MacNab, Craft Association Notice, The Labyrinth, Excellent Resources for New Masons, Blood Donor Committee Report, Around the District, District C 1st Annual Family Picnic a Great Success!, Interesting Websites, and Upcoming Events.
•  Jun, 2012 - Edition No. 46 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, From the Grand Secretary, G.L. Annual Communication Agenda, Candidates from G.L. Offices and G.M.'s Project, Who's in Charge Here?, District C Spring Meeting Committee Reports, Centennial Daylight No. 679 Goes Dark, Masonic Milestones, June Installations, Interesting Websites, and Upcoming Events.
•  May, 2012 - Edition No. 45 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, From the Grand Secretary, the Different between Winners and Losers, Who's in Charge Here?, Wisdom, Opportunities for the Newly Raised MM, Ancient Charges, Grand Honours, Conference on Masonic Education, District C Blood Donors Clinic, Masonic Milestones, Expand Your Wardrope, Interesting Websites, DDGM Official Visits, Installations, and Upcoming Events. 
•  Apr, 2012 - Edition No. 44 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, Who's in Charge Here?, Ancient Charges of 1723, Cell Phone Etiquette, a Report on the Future of Freemasonry in the U.K., Results of the 2011 Grand Lodge of Canada Study, Masonic Milestones, Around the District, Blood Donor Clinic Success, In Memoriam, Interesting Websites, Official Visits, Upcoming Events, and more.
•  Mar, 2012 - Edition No. 43 (pdf) Feature a Message from our DDGM, from the Grand Master, from the Deputy Grand Master, a New Grand Lodge Website Has Arrived, Who's in Charge Here?, Ancient Charges of 1723, The Working Tools of a Canadian Mason, Masonic Milestones/Around The District, In Memoriam, Interesting Websites, Official Visits and Installations, Upcoming Events and more.
•  Feb, 2012 - Edition No. 42 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our D.D.G.M., From the Grand Master, The Grand Master's Project, From the Deputy Grand Master, From the Grand Secretary, Who's In Charge Here? Dufferin Lodge No. 291, Temple Lodge No. 324, R.W. Bro. Cliff M. Tootell Special Tribute, Hamilton District C Mid-Term Reports, Annual Sankey Lecture - 2012, Ancient Charges of 1723, Masonic Milestones, In Memoriam, Interesting Websites, Upcoming Events, and D.D.G.M. Official Visits.
•  Jan, 2012 - Edition No. 41 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Grand Secretary, From the Deputy Grand Master, W.M. Profile Series 2012, Who's In Charge Here?, The Sankey Lecture Series, No Time Wasted In Lodge, Ancient Charges 1723, The Four Crowned Ones, Blood Donors Committee Report, Reports From District Committees, Installations, Masonic Milestones, In Memoriam, Interesting Websites, Upcoming Events, and more.
•  Dec, 2011 - Edition No. 40 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, The Working Tools of a Convivial Freemason, Blood Donors Committee, Ancient Charges of 1723, The Gift of Yourself, Stimulating and Engaging Membership, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, Masonic Milestones, In Memoriam, Interesting Websites, Upcoming Events, Official Visits, and Installations.
•  Nov, 2011 - Edition No. 39 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, our DDGM's District Charity 2011-2012, History of Centennial Daylight Lodge No. 679, the Birth of our Grand Lodge, Sankey Series for Masonic Studies, Ancient Charges of 1723, the Empty Chair Ceremony, Masonic Education, District Events and News, Masonic Milestones, Interesting Websites, and Upcoming Events.
•  Oct, 2011 - Edition No. 38 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, 2012 Official Visits, Highlights of the Fall Meeting, Hamilton Districts' Memorial Service, Hamilton District C 2012 BBQ, Donate Life!, History of Meridian Lodge No. 687, Masonic Beef and Corn Roast, Scotland, Anyone?, When is a Mason a Man?, Ancient Charges of 1723, Hamilton Masonic Cemetery Tour, the Cornerstone Project, College of Freemasonry Course Reminders, In Memoriam, Interesting Websites, and Upcoming Events.
•  Sep, 2011 - Edition No. 37 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, Grand Master's Project 2011-2012, The History of Westmount Lodge No. 671, The Lewis Jewel, Reflections, Why Masonic Memorial Service?, Come and Visit!, Diabetes research Invitation, War of 1812: Brock's Route Request, Freemasonry and Secrecy, Hamilton C Blood Donors Committee, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, and Interesting Websites.
•  Aug, 2011 - Edition No. 36 (pdf) Featuring Meet our new DDGM, Meet our new Grand Master, the Grand Lodge Tactical Plan 2011-2012, the New District Team, Brethren of Distict C Honoured at Grand Lodge, Brethren of Districts A, B, and C Elected/Appointed to Grand Lodge Offices, History of Landmarks/Doric No. 654, A Short History of Doric Lodge No. 382, New Masonic Memorial Service Guide, Will the Future Remember?, MasoniCh.I.P. Program Director's Report, District Blood Donors Show Increased Support, Niagara District Expands it's Diabetes Study, and Upcoming Events.
•  Jul, 2011 - Edition No. 35 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Reginald Joseph Mitchell "Forgotten Hero", The Old Master's Wages, History of Hugh Murray Lodge No. 602, Blood Donor's Delighted with Contributions, 2011 Annual Communications of Grand Lodge, Masonic Milestones, Interesting Websites, In Memoriam, and Upcoming Events.
•  Jun, 2011 - Edition No. 34 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, Agenda of the 2011 Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, Hamilton District C Spring Meeting Synopsis, Wardrope Lodge No. 555, The Well Dressed Mason, Hamilton District C Blood Donors Committee, Masonic Milestones, Interesting Websites, In Memoriam, and Upcoming Events.
•  May, 2011 - Edition No. 33 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, New Zealand and Japan Relief Appeal,, Grand Lodge Nominrations for 2011, the History of Buchanan Lodge, Why is the Master called 'Worshipful', Questions and Answers, Hamilton C Members and Grand Chapter Duties, Online Archived Grand Lodge Proceedings, Ancient Symbolic Penalties, Will The Future Remember?, Masonic Milestones, Interesting Website, and Upcoming Events.
•  Apr, 2011 - Edition No. 32 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, a Message from the Grand Master, a Message from the Deputy Grand Master, Every Mason Survey, The History of Ionic Lodge No. 549, Blood Donors, An Ontario Lodges POI Update for your GPS Device, Wardrope Lodge's Inaugural Movie Night, All Grand Lodge Proceedings Online, John Ross Robertson, G.M. 1890, The Plants and Animals of Freemasonry, Trip to Philidelphia and Washington, Sankey Lecture Online, Interesting Websites, True Stories, A Few Famous Canadian Freemasons, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, and more.
•  Mar, 2011 - Edition No. 31 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, From the Grand Master, From the Deputy Grand Master, From the Grand Secretary, The History of Corinthian Lodge No. 513, Rebuilding The West Gate: The Centres of Excellence Model, Who Was Richard Cockrell, Judge Kindly, Masonry's Mystery: The Origin of Ritual - Part 2, Hamilton District 'C's Blood Donor Update, Freemasons and the Mayo Clinic, Freemasonry and Religion, Upcoming Events, Websites of Interest, and more.
•  Feb, 2011 - Edition No. 30 (pdf) Featuring a Message from Our DDGM, Highlights of the District Midterm Meeting, a Message from the Grand Master, The Grand Master's Project, The History of Electric Lodge No. 495, Electric Lodge's 13th Annual Burns Supper, Small Pox and the Craft, Rebuilding The West Gate: Aligning Freemasonry's Timeless Value with Today's Modern Culture, The Father of Standard Time, The Origin of Ritual, E-Mentoring by the College of Freemasonry, Hugh Murray's Burns Supper, The First District C P.D.D.G.M.'s Degree Team, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, Interesting Websites, and more.
•  Jan, 2011 - Edition No. 29 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the History of Temple Lodge No. 324, Blood Donors, MasoniCh.I.P Program, R.W. Bro. James Hamilton's 90th Birthday, Rebuilding The West Gate: The Individual Craftsman, A Sponsor's Responsibility, Admonition, John Graves Simcoe, 54th Annual Adam Zimmerman Bonspiel, New Working Tools for Canada Lodge U.D., Visiting Digitally, Scottish Rite Degree Teams, The Wands, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, Interesting Websites, and more.
•  Dec, 2010 - Edition No. 28 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the History of Dufferin Lodge No. 291, Rebuilding The West Gate: Within the Tyled Lodge Room, A Tale of 3 Trees, My Lodge, Masonic Cemetery Tour, W. Bro. John Butler, Veteran Jubilee Medal, Questions and Answers, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, Interesting Websites, and more.
•  Nov, 2010 - Edition No. 27 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the History of Seymour Lodge No. 272, Rebuilding the West Gate: Masonic Vitality Begins with You, Bro. Bill Lewis, R.W. Bro. Cliff Tootell, W. Bro. Joseph Brant, New Publishing Policy for Grand Lodge, Be The Candidate, Cornerstone Lodges, Bro. Jack Whyte, First Initiations in Kandahar, Upcoming Events, Websites of Interest and more.
•  Oct, 2010 - Edition No. 26 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, Highlights of the Fall District Meeting, Grand Lodge Recognition Evening, The History of Valley Lodge No.100, Our New V.W. Brethren, The Burma Exhibit, Bro. John Ross Matheson, Don't Quit, Rebuilding the Gate - Part 2, Vision, Mission, and Responsibilities of Grand Lodge, Landmarks, Questions about Scottish Rite, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, and Websites of Interest.
•  Sep, 2010 - Edition No. 25 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, The Mark Preece House, Quiet Masons, The Grand Master's Closing Remarks, Grand Lodge Recognition Evening, Truly Masonic Ornaments, The Golden Fleece, Rosslyn Chapel, Congratulations to "Mr. Baseball", The Beef and Corn Roast, Masonic Calendars, Questions and Answers, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, Interesting Websites, and more.
•  Aug, 2010 - Edition No. 24 (pdf) Featuring Support for Ronald McDonald House, Cornerstone Winners, Award Winning Newsletter, Hoyle Blood Drive, MasoniCh.I.P. Update, Trip to Philadelphia and Washington, Hugh Murray River Cruise, Trying the Square, Star and Garter, Freemasonry and Women, the Masonic Ring, Sand Castle Champions, Masonic Education, a Commemorative Stone, Upcoming Events, Interesting Websites, and more.
•  Jul, 2010 - Edition No. 23 (pdf) Featuring our Annual District Meeting, a Proposed Amendment, Masonic Awards and Recognition, Walk for those who can't, the Regius Poem Part III, Part of "Near Hanging", Thoughts of a Young Mason, Support Our Troops, Tyle the Lodge Door!, Masonic Trip to Philidelphia, Drinking from my Saucer, In Memoriam, Upcoming Events, Interesting Websites, and more. 
•  Jun, 2010 - Edition No. 22 (pdf) Featuring Masonic Foundation Bursary Presentation, the Reception of the Grand Master, Grand Lodge Intinerary, the Regius Poem Part II, Our Spring District Meeting, District Masonic Education Report, a Tribute to our DDGM, Inaugural Blood Drive of The Electric Lodge, Buchanan Lodge visit to Ohio, All in the Family at Westmount, W.M.W. Medal Holder Russ Irvine at 90, Masonic Trip to Philidelphia and Washington, Questions & Answers, Upcoming Events, and Interesting Websites.

•  May, 2010 - Edition No. 21 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our District Deputy Grand Master, a Message from the Grand Master, a new Assistant Editor for the Chronicle, Canadian Blood Services Note, From the United Grand Lodge of England, The Regius Poem, The Lewis, The First Sankey Lecture, District Events, and some Interesting Websites.
•  Apr, 2010 - Edition No. 20 (pdf) Featuring: A Message from our DDGM, a Message from the Grand Master, a Message from the Deputy Grand Master, Pancakes! Get Your Pancakes!, Winners of the Hele Spiel, the Olympics and Freemasonry, 50 Years a Mason, The Halliwell Manuscript, Hamilton Masonic Cemetery Plots, is the "Lost Symbol" Accurate?, a Hamilton Mason helps in Haiti, Questions and Answers, and District News.
•  Mar, 2010 - Edition No. 19 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, messages from the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, the District 'C' Charity, Freemasonry and the Roman Senate, a Master of Deception, Sir Allan MacNab, Danny Thomas, Utopia Found, Valley Lodge No. 100 Official Visit, Questions and Answers, and the District Events.
•  Feb, 2010 - Edition No. 18 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the Mid-Term Meeting, the First Charles Sankey Lecture, Seymour Lodge Installation, 50 Years a Past Master, the Oldest Masonic Lodge, the Meaning of the Forget-Me-Not Pin, the Masonic Apron, the Three Rosettes, 183 Images of Freemasonry, District News, and details on the Dufferin Warplane Gala.
•  Jan, 2010 - Edition No. 17 (pdf) Featuring a message from Our DDGM, the DDGMs Holiday Levee, 53rd Annual Landmarks Bonspiel Winners, Westmount Lodge visits Beaver Lodge, the Grand Master's Project, MasoniChip, I am Freemasonry, Insight into a Millenial Freemason, Why do I go to Lodge?, District Events, and more.
•  Dec, 2009 - Edition No. 16 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, Ronald McDonald House, History of the Grand Lodge of Canada, Geometry, What is a Right Angled Parallelopipedon, Are you a Cornerstone Lodge, Remembrance Day, Down at the Lodge on the 24th, District News, and more.
•  Nov, 2009 - Edition No. 15 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, CHIP Clinic Totals, The "Lost Symbol", Masonic Licence Plates, Planning Banquet Menus, a Hamilton Cemetery Tour, our Trip to Detroit Masonic Temple, the Beef and Corn Roast, District News, and more.
•  Oct, 2009 - Edition No. 14 (pdf) Featuring a message from our District Deputy Grand Master, Because I am a Freemason, Where the Sevent Liberal Arts and Sciences Go?, the Beef and Corn Roast, Logic in Ancient Greece, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Fall District Meeting.
•  Sep, 2009 - Edition No. 13 (pdf) Featuring a Bio of our DDGM, a Message from our DDGM, a Message from the Grand Master, Hiram the First Journalist, the Liberal Arts and Sciences, Highlights from the July District Meeting, Glen's Last Journey, District News, and more.
•  Aug, 2009 - Edition No. 12 (pdf) Featuring a Message from our DDGM, the District 'C' Team, Elected & Appointed Grand Lodge Officers, Board of General Purposes, Grand Lodge Committee Chairmen, Boom, Bust and Digital Native, Electric Lodge's 100th Anniversary, District News and much more.
•  Jul, 2009 - Edition No. 11 (pdf) Featuring Camp Trillium, The Grand Master's Project Results, The Curious Case of Manley P. Hall (cont.), Canvasses of Bro. Jason McCulloch, Attitude, Change in Freemasonry, The Travelling Gavel, Questions & Answers, District News, and more.
•  Jun, 2009 - Edition No. 10 (pdf) Featuring a message from our DDGM, a Testimonial to our DDGM, What We Learned at the Spring District Meeting, Proposed Amendments for Grand Lodge, The Old Masters Wages, Curious Case of Manley P. Hall, Pilgrimage to the First Grand Masters Grave, "Brother's War", District News, and more.  
•  May, 2009 - Edition No. 9 (pdf) Featuring Nominations for Grand Lodge, Fifty Year Presentation, The Badge of a Mason, Solid Geometry, Production of the Wooden Mosaic Pavement, Templum Fidelis Lodge U.D., and the Latest District News.
•  Apr, 2009 - Edition No. 8 (pdf) Featuring Partners in Nutrition, Blood Donors News, Lodge Room Over Simpkins' Store, Questions and Answers, and the Latest District News.
•  Mar, 2009 - Edition No. 7 (pdf) Featuring the Grand Representative of Turkey, a Warm Masonic Tale, Freemasonry in Russia, 50 Year Pins, and the Restoration of Rosslyn Chapel.
•  Feb, 2009 - Edition No. 6 (pdf) Featuring Robbie Burn's 250th Anniversary, Mosaic Pavements, A Toast to the Building of the White House, and Masonry a Philosophy of Life.  
•  Jan, 2009 - Edition No. 5 (pdf) Feeaturing messages from the DDGM, Grand Master, and Deputy Grand Master, along with notes from a Masonic Visit to Hawaii, and 52nd Annual Adam Zimmerman Memorial Bonspiel.
•  Dec, 2008 - Edition No. 4 (pdf) Featuring words from our GM, DDGM, and insights into Freemasonry, Church, Membership, and Christmas.
•  Nov, 2008 - Edition No. 3 (pdf) Featuring the MasoniC.H.I.P Program, Landmarks, and Upcoming Events
•  Oct, 2008 - Edition No. 2 (pdf) Featuring the MasoniCHIP program, Dufferin Lodge 135th Anniversary, A Seymour Tradition, and a University Presents a rare insight into Freemasonry.
•  Sep, 2008 - Edition No. 1 (pdf) Featuring Our 2008 DDGM Bio and Project, Prince Hall Freemasonry, District News, What Kind of Freemason Are You?, and Symbolism.

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