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GLCPOO Approved #03D14
Blood Donor Information
The Masonic commitment to donating blood can be traced back to V.W. Bro. William Hoyle of the Electric Lodge #495 in 1941 when he persuaded his Masters and Wardens Association to take an interest in donating blood. At this time, blood was not collected, but donated directly to the recipient. As a result, a list of donors was required to ensure that when blood was needed, a donor was available. V.W. Bro. Hoyle and a dedicated group of Masons made up the majority of that list. On the evening of May 23rd, 1944 the Moose Hall was the scene of an horrific fire. V.W. Bro. Hoyle was contacted to rally the Masons and report directly to the hospital to help save the lives of the people who had managed to get out of the fire. Shortly after this truly charitable act of brotherly love and relief, V.W. Bro. Hoyle, and the Hamilton Masons, joined forces with The Red Cross to improve the system by which blood donors were recorded and could be contacted.

As time progressed, and the ability to store blood arrived, the Masons continued to aid The Red Cross, and later Canadian Blood Services, in their valiant work. We are needed today, more than ever, to help our fellow man.

Canadian Blood Services is a national, not-for-profit charitable organization that manages the supply of blood and blood products in all provinces and territories outside of Quebec.

Hamilton District 'C' Masons support CBS in several ways.

1. Financially.

So far, this year, we've received generous financial donations from Hugh Murray, Electric, Buchannan and Temple Lodges. Their support is very much appreciated.

2. By Donating Blood.

With our aging population, Canada requires an additional 100,000 donor each year. Many Hamilton District 'C' Masons already make regular donations. If you don't, please consider it. A donation only takes 10 - 15 minutes (although allow for an hour including post-donation rest & refreshments). Remember it can take up to 50 people to save a single car accident victim or 8 people every week to help someone battling leukemia.

Hamilton Masonic District 'C' has joined forced once again with Canadian Blood Services and is now registered as a "Partner For Life." The "Partner For Life" program allows CBS to automatically track donations made by masons, friends of masons, and a mason's family members every time they make a donation. Just let them know you're a District 'C' Mason when you register at a clinic.

3. By Volunteering.

Several Lodges and individuals volunteer at clinics, handing out post-donation refreshments. Hamilton 'C' Masons support between 2 and 9 clinic per month. If you would like to volunteer as an individual or if your lodge would like to "sponsor" a clinic, please let me know.

Fraternally yours,
Bro. Matthew Mandula
Blood Donor Chair
Hamilton Masonic District 'C'
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