The Masonic Past Masters' Association of the Hamilton Districts
All P.M.s are invited to the meetings at the Masonic Centre Hamilton. IPM's enjoy a one year complimentary membership.
Meet and Greet 8:30 a.m., Breakfast 9:00 a.m., Meeting : 9:45 a.m.
The member's cost for the breakfast meeting is $15.00p.p. Reservations needed by contacting R.W. Tom Young at: (905) 318-0182 or by email at: thomas.young@rogers.com.
Click to view upcoming scheduled events.
Craft Association of Hamilton Masonic Districts
Aims and Objectives:
- To promote Masonic principles and fellowship
- To provide a training forum for the Officers of the Lodges in the Hamilton Districts
- Provide an opportunity for those Officers to meet and share with their peers from other Lodges
- Recognition of deserving Craft Lodge Brethren
- To blend our efforts both independently and in tandem with other Masonic Bodies toward preserving the harmony and prosperity of our beloved Craft Masonry within our Lodges and enhancing the image of Freemasonry in the public eye.
Click to view upcoming scheduled events.