Masonic District C - Hamilton, Ontario
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GLCPOO Approved #03D14
Masonic Education
It is the aim of the Hamilton District 'C' Education Committee that Masonic Education come to the forefront in Lodges in assisting new and experience Masons alike with the tools to better understand what Freemasonry means to them and to better enable us to communicate what Freemasonry is to our families, friends, colleagues and the general public. We would like to move from identifying that Freemasonry just makes good men better but rather helps lead men to live a more purposeful life.

District Education Goals

  1. To firmly establish a Masonic Education component in Lodges that do not currently have one and to confirm an active chairman.
  2. To have Lodges become familiar with submitting written articles to the communications team for inclusion in the website or newsletter.
  3. To have each Lodge host at least one Lodge of Discussion and to include the topic for discussion in their respective summons.
  4. To actively promote the Grand Lodge Correspondence Course offered by Grand Lodge in the District.
  5. To encourage visitation to other Lodges and learn from the Masonic Education that they provide.

Masonic Education Resources

  1. Protocol of the Masters Collar
  2. Saluting in Lodge & the Sign of Fidelity

Click here to view upcoming Masonic Education sessions in the district

Looking for support or information around Protocol & Etiquette?

We are fortunate to have the significant and comprehensive works for R.W. Bro. Gordon Crutcher at our fingertips.

You can find an index and reference of the materials here.

The full content for reference is also available by clicking here.
© 2025 Copyright Hamilton Masonic District C