Masonic District C - Hamilton, Ontario
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Our History

1974 – 2010


Masonry in Southern Ontario seems to have originated at Fort Niagara on the American side of the Niagara River, where the Kings (8th) Regiment of Foot met under the Field Warrant No.156 from 1773 –1785. On the Canadian side of the river, St. John’s Lodge of Friendship No.2 was warranted to meet at Newark (now Niagara-on-the-Lake) and Queenston in 1782, prior to the first Provincial Grand Lodge of 1792 under William Jarvis, Provincial Grand Master.  In 1795 the first Lodge in Hamilton, The Barton Lodge, held its first meeting at Smith’s Tavern. A second lodge in the area was established in 1799 at Forty Mile Creek (now Grimsby) and was named Union Lodge.

Sir Allan MacNab was named Provincial Grand Master of the 3rd Provincial Grand Lodge of Canada West on August 28th 1844, with the first meeting held in Hamilton on August 9, 1845, which later became the Ancient Grand Lodge on Canada on September 9, 1857.
The formation of the Grand Lodge of Canada in Hamilton on October 10, 1855 was but the culmination of a process that had begun nearly a century before. On July 15, 1858, these two Grand Lodges became one – the Grand Lodge of Canada, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. In 1855, four Hamilton lodges were placed in the Western District or that portion of Upper Canada lying west of Toronto. A year later that area was divided into the Districts of Hamilton and London. At the conclusion of World War I (1914-1918) there were twenty-one Lodges in this vicinity, and this number grew rapidly to thirty-one lodges. Thus in 1923 the former Hamilton District was split into Hamilton “A” District consisting of 16 Lodges and Hamilton “B” District with 15 Lodges.

During the ensuing years, eleven more Lodges were granted charters in the Hamilton area. Commencing in 1972, several meetings were held under the leadership of their respective D.D.G.M.'s. The outcomes of these meetings lead to the formation and the operating procedures for our Hamilton Masonic District “C” as approved by Grand Lodge in July 1974. With this redistribution of Lodges there was now three Masonic Districts referred to as Hamilton “A”, Hamilton “B” and Hamilton “C”, each consisting of 14 Lodges.


In 1972 the masons of Hamilton Districts “A” and “B” were asked to consider a proposal for the formation of three Masonic districts. Although there was a general acceptance in principle, there was also some reservations as to the makeup of the new districts. Hence the District Deputy Grand Masters, R.W. Bros. Fred Scott and Marshall Capel forwarded a questionnaire to all lodges, the results of which formed the basis for the division of the lodges and advice to assist the new Districts in their organization.  A petition for the authority to reduce the number of lodges in Hamilton Masonic Districts “A” and “B” and to form a new district to be known as Hamilton Masonic District “C” , was presented to and approved by Grand Lodge  on July 18th, 1973. It was to become effective at the Annual Communications of Grand Lodge in July 1974, M.W. Bro. William K. Bailey, Grand Master, and M.W. Bro. John A. Irvine, Grand Secretary.

Hamilton Masonic District “C” will consist of the following Lodges:

Lodge Number Transferred from District
Valley 100 A
Seymour 272 A
Dufferin 291 A
Temple 324 A
The Electric 495 B
Corinthian 513 A
Ionic 549 B
Buchanan 550 B
Wardrope 555 B
Hamilton 562 A
Hugh Murray 602 A
Ancient Landmarks 654 B
Westmount 671 B
Meridian 687 A


The Committee of the District and Past District Deputy Grand Masters who prepared and presented the petition to Grand Lodge , arranged a meeting at Valley Lodge on Sunday October 28th, 1973, for senior officers and as many Past Masters as wishing to attend.  Forty members were in attendance.

The purpose of that meeting was to explore all procedures, rules and regulations and their alternatives in order to set up a well-organized and well-regulated District for the good of Freemasonry, but also to meet all the requirements of the Constitution prior to Grand Lodge next July.  At that meeting, Hugh Lord was appointed Chairman, and Roy Middleton was appointed Secretary to act as temporary officers in the formation and development of the operating procedures for the new District. Several suggestions were made, which the lodges were to take back to their membership. These were voting privileges, method of submitting candidates for the office of D.D.G.M., regalia purchases, dates for Official Visits and rules and regulations for District meetings.

Dec. 2, 1973

Agreed upon:

  1. Voting at District Meetings, one vote per lodge, by the W.M. or his proxy
  2. D.D.G.M. to be elected on a rotational basis
  3. District pays for dress regalia of D.D.G.M. and District Secretary on a per capita basis
  4. Dates for Official Visits (keeping in mind that C.M.T. lodges were dispersed to area buildings because of the Sept 20th 1968, James Street fire).

Tentative Official Visits schedule

Lodge Number Transferred from District
Valley 100 2nd Mon. April
Seymour 272 2nd Tues. March
Dufferin 291 3rd Thurs. April
Temple 324 2nd Tues. October
The Electric 495 3rd Tues. November
Corinthian 513 4th Thurs. January
Ionic 549 1st Wed. October
Buchanan 550 1st Thurs. April
Wardrope 555 4th Mon. October
Hamilton 562 1st Tues. March
Hugh Murray 602 3rd Tues. October
Ancient Landmarks 654 3rd Wed. April
Westmount 671 4th Tues. April
Meridian 687 2nd Wed. February


All Worshipful Masters and Secretaries were invited to attend a meeting on June 13, 1974 to discuss agenda items such as:

  1. Selection of a Regalia Committee.
  2. To have an excellent report to Grand Lodge  at the completion of the first year that would include
    • strong and effective Blood Donor campaign
    • new approach to Masonic Education
    • making meetings more interesting
    • better banquet programmes.
  3. To nominate candidates for D.D.G.M. at the May Past Masters’ meeting
  4. Upon election in July, the new DD.G.M. should appoint:
    • District Secretary
    • District Chaplain
    • District Chairman of Benevolence
    • District Chairman of Masonic Education
    • District Blood Donors Chairman.

June 13, 1974

A meeting was held at Valley Lodge with 46 brethren in attendance, with Buchanan Lodge being absent.   Vern Dawdy was elected as Regalia Chairman.  R.W. Bro. Hugh Lord, P.D.D.G.M., was to represent the new District at Grand Lodge in July, 1974. The District was to have a strong, energetic Blood Campaign with each Lodge appointing a Lodge Chairman, with set Lodge targets.  District Education Meetings, were to be convened by three different lodges in first half of year, and three different lodges in the second half.  The D.D.G.M. was to advise lodges of possible dates for them to accompany him on his Official Visits.

Hamilton Masonic District “C”
1974 - 1984

1974 R.W. Bro. Gerald E. Smith* 1975 R.W. Bro. Albert T. Ayer*
1976 R.W. Bro. Bruce MacDonald* 1977 R.W. Bro. Roger G. Parliament
1978 R.W. Bro. Lloyd R. Hill* 1979 R.W. Bro. Thomas E. Burton*
1980 R.W. Bro. Frank Fordham 1981 R.W. Bro. Wayne E. Elgie
1982 R.W. Bro. Paul G. Hirst* 1983 R.W. Bro. John A. DeYoung*

Approval to form a new District known as Hamilton Masonic District “C” was granted by Grand Lodge on July 18th, 1973 by the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. William K. Bailey, to become effective with the Communication of Grand Lodge in July 1974.

In the year following, several meetings were conducted, chaired by R.W. Bro. Hugh Lord and R.W. Bro. Roy Middleton, as Secretary, who served as temporary District Officers to explore procedures, rules and regulations for the new District. The Masons of the new Masonic District “C” totalled 3547, working out of fourteen founding Lodges within the Hamilton area.

LODGE  (YEAR FOUNDED) Transferred from District Membership
        1974 1984
100 Valley (1858) A 315 186
272 Seymour (1872) A 319 258
291 Dufferin (1873) A 134 113
324 Temple (1875) A 237 170
495 The Electric (1909) B 339 256
513 Corinthian (1913) A 302 208
549 Ionic (1919) B 349 260
550 Buchanan (1919) B 274 219
555 Wardrope (1919) B 280 199
562 Hamilton (1920) A 213 144
602 Hugh Murray (1922) A 387 310
654 Ancient Landmarks (1931) B 191 161
671 Westmount (1952) B 121 97
687 Meridian (1957) A 86 78

The committee of Past Masters and senior officers agreed that:
i)   The District would have one vote per Lodge, by the W.M. or proxy.
ii)  The D.D.G.M. would be elected on a lodge rotational basis.
iii) The District would pay for the dress regalia of the D.D.G.M. and the District Secretary on a per capita basis.
iv) A schedule of Official Visits would be produced.

In June of 1974 at a meeting held at Valley Lodge to which all W. M.s and Secretaries were invited, Vern Dawdy was elected the Regalia chairman and R.W. Bro. Hugh Lord, P.D.D.G.M., would represent the new Hamilton “C” District at Grand Lodge  in 1974.  The District would also established a strong Blood campaign with appointed Lodge chairmen, and two District Educations meetings were be held in the year. The D.D.G.M. would advise Lodges of possible dates for them to accompany him on his Official Visits.

In the next few years, the matter of the cost of the regalia for the D.D.G.M. and the District Secretary was a matter discussed at the fall and spring District “C” meetings.  With an initial per capita regalia assessment of seventeen cents, due to factors such as declining membership and increased costs of the regalia, it reached 35 cents by 1984. The D.D.G.M.’s fee or allowance changed to $25 from $10.  The D.D.G.M. s during this period selected a number of brethren to assist as Committee Chairmen or District Officers so that several programs would be available for the members of the District. The Blood Donor program was continued with V. W. Bro. Wm. Hoyle, of The Electric Lodge No. 495, being appointed Blood Donor Chairman Emeritus of the 3 Hamilton Districts.  Numerous education Nights or special programs were presented to the brethren such as “Horizons for the Eighties”, “Towards the Square”, “Ladies of Active Masons” (L.O.A.M.) and Brotherhood Nights.  The lodges participated in District Divine services at various places of worship and started a combined District A, B, C Sunrise service in 1984.  A relocation of the Grand Lodge Library to Hamilton was assisted by District “C” members.

Hamilton Masonic District “C”
1985 – 1995

1985 R.W. Bro. Stanley G. Strickland* 1986 R.W. Bro. Norman S. Webb*
1987 R.W. Bro. Frank H. Adams* 1988 R.W. Bro. Clifford M. Tootell
1989 R.W. Bro. Roy C. Gregory 1990 R.W. Bro. Ralph Hurst*
1991 R.W. Bro. Bro. David E. Wood 1992 R.W. Bro. Alan J. Cochrane*
1993 R.W. Bro. Walter I. Munn* 1994 R.W. Bro. Donald L. Jagger
1995 R.W. Bro. Thomas W. Irwin    

      1984 1994
100 Valley (1858) 186 127
272 Seymour (1872) 258 186
291 Dufferin (1873) 113 72
324 Temple (1875) 170 114
495 The Electric (1909) 256 206
513 Corinthian (1913) 208 128
549 Ionic (1919) 260 166
550 Buchanan (1919) 219 116
555 Wardrope (1919) 199 122
562 Hamilton (1920) 144 87
602 Hugh Murray (1922) 310 220
654 Ancient Landmarks (1931) 161 119
671 Westmount (1952) 97 80
687 Meridian (1957) 78 77
(commenced on Dec.11,1990)

The Hamilton Masonic District “C” lodges during this period continued to experience a continuing decline in membership, which was also evident in the entire jurisdiction.  The D.D.G.M., with the support of the lodges, continued to implement and to carry on with many Grand Lodge programs which Lodge members participated in to enhance our Craft. The D.D.G.M.s promoted the Mentorship Program and the role of Masonic Education within the District. The Blood Donor program and Lodge members participation in this program was recognized with the presentation of the Bill Hoyle Memorial trophy while Lodge attendance at the Sunrise Divine service was recognized by a trophy donated by Hugh Murray Lodge. 

The business and organization of the District events was conducted with spring and fall District meetings and was put into a document in 1986 entitled the “Guidelines” as a way of strengthening Hamilton Masonic District “C”.  The cost of regalia and District operations continued to increase the per capita levy for regalia and assessment for the D.D.G.M., on his official visits.  The nomination and election of R.W. Bro. Norman E. Byrne from Meridian Lodge No. 687 as the D.G.M. was actively supported by the District and culminated with his subsequent election as Grand Master in 1992.  Hamilton Masonic District “C” through its Lodges and District events continued during this period to support several benevolence projects such as the Walk-a-thon, Nip Drugs in the Bud, Mother’s Day telethon, McMaster Neo-natal research, Masonic Foundation of Ontario, Hamilton Districts’ Board of Relief, and the Charelene Nye Educational bursary.  On Dec. 11, 1990 the District was expanded to fifteen lodges with the addition of Centennial Daylight Lodge No. 679 G.R.C. assuming the charter from Centennial Lodge of Niagara Falls when it went into darkness.

Hamilton Masonic District “C”
1996 – 2006

1996 R.W. Bro. David H. Pedler 1997 R.W. Bro. Paul A. James
1998 R.W. Bro. Peter C. Mouriopoulos 1999 R.W. Bro. John L. MacPherson
2000 R.W. Bro. Kenneth C. Adamson 2001 R.W. Bro. Arthur F. Adams
2002 R.W. Bro. George Cuthbertson 2003 R.W. Bro. William R. Millar
2004 R.W. Bro. Michael J. Kingsley 2005 R.W. Bro. Ronald E. Luxon

      1996 2006
100 Valley (1858) 126 77
272 Seymour (1872) 178 115
291 Dufferin (1873) 67 42
324 Temple (1875) 104 89
495 The Electric (1909) 182 139
513 Corinthian (1913) 120 85
549 Ionic (1919) 161 78
550 Buchanan (1919) 90 70
555 Wardrope (1919) 113 76
562 Hamilton (1920) 67 dark as of April 9 2001
602 Hugh Murray (1922) 213 149
654 Ancient Landmarks
Anc. Landmarks /Doric
111 131
(*incorporating Doric No. 382, May 24, 2005)
671 Westmount (1952) 72 66
687 Meridian (1957) 84 69
679 CENTENNIAL DAYLIGHT (1990) 94 66

During this period Hamilton District “C”, was lead by D.D.G.M.s who oversaw the operational matters of the District, as well as programs of the Lodges and the programs of Grand Lodge.
The payment of the D.D.G.M.’s dress regalia and that of the D.D.G.M.’s appointee was addressed at many District meetings which saw the regalia per capita assessment move from 75 cents to $1.05 while the D.D.G.M.’s Official Visit assessment increased to $105.

Numerous district benevolence projects were engaged in by the members of Hamilton Masonic District “C” such as the Jenny Lyne fund, Camp Trillium which raised $7,500, Paul Reeve Memorial Walk for charity, Jason’s House which is operated by the March of Dimes, the Board of Relief fund raising initiatives for the McMaster Neo-Natal Clinics, St. Peters Hospital Alzheimer foundation, and support funds for the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome /22qI3 project.

The District Newsletter continued to be produced and eventually was combined to include all three Hamilton Districts and was recognized at Grand Lodge with a merit award.  The Blood Donor program continued during this period and for a while saw a reduction in activity which was later revived.   The District Webmaster was able to launch a District Web Site to record various Lodge and District events for those having access to computer system.  The District’s composition changed with Hamilton Lodge No. 562 moving into darkness in 2001, while Doric Lodge No. 382 from District “B” completed a successful amalgamation with the Lodge of the Ancient Landmarks No. 654 in 2005.  The Hamilton Masons paid tribute to M.W. Bro. Norman E. Byrne by naming the Cathedral at the Masonic Centre Hamilton, ‘The Norman E. Byrne Cathedral’ as a memorial on Friday Oct.14, 2005. The Hamilton Masons celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Grand Lodge by erecting a historical marker in front of the Grand Lodge offices on King St. W.,Hamilton. R.W.Bro. Donald Jagger was elected Worshipful Master of Millennium Lodge in July,2005.

Hamilton Masonic District “C”
2007 - 2009


R.W. Bro. R. James Stewart 2008 R.W. Bro. Thomas R. Marshall
2009 R.W. Bro. William J. MacPherson 2010 R.W. Bro. Ian A. Craig

100 Valley (1858) 75
272 Seymour (1872) 104
291 Dufferin (1873) 44
324 Temple (1875) 82
495 The Electric (1909) 122
513 Corinthian (1913) 86
549 Ionic (1919) 72
550 Buchanan (1919) 68
555 Wardrope (1919) 70
602 Hugh Murray (1922) 149
654 Anc. Landmarks /Doric
(Anc.Landmarks(1931),Doric No. 382 (1879)
(2005*) 127
671 Westmount 1952 65
687 Meridian (1957) 70

The members of Hamilton Masonic District “C” held District meetings in the Fall, Jan. (mid-term), the Spring as well as their Annual Meeting as part of the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in July.  On May 3, 2008 the newly adopted ‘Guide for the Operation and Management of Hamilton Masonic District “C” was introduced and accepted unanimously by all the Lodges.  The members of the District were very supportive of District “C” Charities such as the Cancer Assistance Program, Partners In Nutrition, and Ronald McDonald House. The members and friends of The Electric Lodge No. 495 celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2009.  Several members from the District were appointed or elected to Grand Lodge officer positions in this period and travelled extensively with the D.D.G.M. on his Official Visits.  In 2009 a District “C” Christmas levee was held for the first time at the Masonic Centre Hamilton for masons and families. In Sept. 2010 the Lodge of the Ancient Landmarks/Doric hosted a Grand Lodge officers recognition evening for all three Hamilton Masonic Districts with the Grand Master, M., W. Bro. Raymond S. J. Daniels, in attendance.  The members continued to support the Canadian Blood Services clinics and also participated in several child identification clinics – MASONIChIP.   The District supported both the Spring and Fall Divine Services to aid the Board of Relief, as well as assisting in the Masonic Beef and Corn Roast held in Ancaster which annually attracted over six hundred people.  An excursion to the Detroit Masonic Temple was held in Oct. 2009 and being enjoyed so much that a follow-up trip was organized to the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia, The House of the Temple and George Washington Memorial in Washington D. C. for Oct. 2010.

Ad Hoc History Committee Report
June 30th . 2010

Hamilton Masonic District “C”
2010 - 2015


R.W. Bro. R.W. Bro. John K. Johnston 2012 R.W. Bro. D. Wayne Robinson
2013 R.W. Bro. Geoffrey S. Allan 2014 R.W.Bro. Glen J. Notman

2010 - R.W. Bro. Ian A. Craig, Wardrope No. 555
District Secretary – Gary Woods

The Annual Meeting was held at the Royal York on 21st July with forty-six brethren present from 13 Lodges and W.Bro. Ian Craig of Wardrope Lodge No. 555 was elected D.D.G.M – elect for 2010-11. It was announced that a donation to Ronald McDonald House from District C was $5,000.00. A District excursion to Philadelphia and Washington Masonic sites was planned for Oct. 2010 and a Grand Lodge recognition night was held on Sept. 14th hosted by Ancient Landmarks/Doric No. 654. The District Newsletter was awarded the best in the Province certificate. Valley Lodge No. 100., Wardrope No. 555 and Hugh Murray Lodge No. 602 were named “Cornerstone Lodges” for the years 2009-2010. The members of Hamilton Masonic District “C” continued to hold District meetings in the Fall, Jan. (mid-term), the Spring as well as their Annual Meeting as part of the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in July during the years of 2010-2011-2012-2013 and 2014. R.Wor. Bro. Wayne Elgie raised the topic of D.D.G.M regalia at the 2010 fall meeting and, after some discussion a task Force was then formed to investigate and report at the Mid-term meeting. The report was tabled at the Spring meeting when it was decided to leave the quality of the District Regalia at the status quo.

The D.D.G.M’s Charity for 20102011 was “Mark Preese House” project #2424. The Mid-term meeting held in January 2011 saw 50 brethren present representing all 14 Lodges. The History of District C was then introduced and available in Hard copy at a cost of $5. R.W.Bro Eduardo Cordero reported that 300 units of blood had been donated within the District and was encourage by the increasing response from the membership. He also requested that there was always a need for volunteers to assist at these Clinics. R.W.Bro. Wayne Elgie reported on the progress of the District newsletter “The Chronicle” and urged all members to endeavour to forward informational articles of interest to the District and to Masonry in general.

It was announced that a donation to Ronald McDonald House from District C was $5,000.00. A District excursion to Philadelphia and Washington Masonic sites was planned for Oct. 2010 and a Grand Lodge recognition night was held on Sept. 14th hosted by Ancient Landmarks/Doric No. 654. The District Newsletter was awarded the best in the Province certificate. Valley Lodge No. 100., Wardrope No. 555 and Hugh Murray Lodge No. 602 were named “Cornerstone Lodges” for 2009-2010.

It was reported that the Stoney Creek Temple now had dfibulators and that CPR training would be held at the hall on Saturday March 5th in case any who wanted to receive the training which had been held at the Hamilton Masonic Centre. R.W.Bill MacPherson advised that The Lodge of the Ancient Landmarks No. 654 incorporating Doric Lodge No. 382 would be having a special Degree team made up of past DDGM’s at the 25th January meeting. At the Spring meeting it was reported that Blood donations had dramatically increased and over 800 units had been received, with two new clinics being added at McMaster University Student centre and Redeemer college student centre in Ancaster. The MasoniCh.I.P. programme was again being promoted and will be the fourth time that we have participated at the Ancaster Fair on 23 to 25th September 2011.

Some Constitutional amendments were then raised by the DDGM R.W.Bro. Ian Craig regarding increase in per-capita fees. 50 years previously there were 136,000 members in our jurisdiction, in 2011 there are just 45,000 members. Also, the special assessment for the Brock University partnership which proposed a $2.00 assessment per member for 10 years for masonic studies was discussed.

2011 - R.W. Bro. John K. Johnston, Hugh Murray No. 602
District Secretary – Martin Tees

The Annual Meeting held at the Royal York in July of 2011 saw W. Bro. John K. Johnston elected as D.D.G.M of Hamilton Masonic District C for the year 2011/12. The September meeting held at Hillcrest Masonic Hall was attended by 31 brethren from 11 District Lodges, with proxy reports from three Lodges. R.W. Bro. John K. Johnston then reported that the $8.00 increase in the Grand Lodge per-capita as being approved but the $2.00 attachment for Brock University was voted down.

The Chaplain. Bro. Jason McCulloch reminded everyone of the Fall Divine Service to be held on 23rd October would be at the Church of the Nativity 1831 King Street East, assembly at 7pm with service commencing at 7.30pm. Reports were then given by the Committee Chairmen. The Blood Donor report requested that Lodges step forward to sponsor the proposed Clinics. A new Clinic was to be opened in Upper Stoney Creek, on Paramount and that it needed a sponsor Lodge. The DDGM recognized the fine efforts of the Committee and the hard work contributed by W.Bro. Stan Satchell.

The masonic Chip program would again be at the Ancaster Fair with co-ordination with Ancient Landmarks/ Doric and St. Andrews Lodge of Hamilton District B and volunteers were requested to assist. It was announced that the Chip foundation was now recognized as a charity. There would also be a Clinic at the ‘Breakfast with Santa” on Saturday 3rd December 2011 at the HMC. The District newsletter “The Chronical” received an award from Grand Lodge for having the best District newsletter. R.W. Bro. Frank Fordham then spoke on Autism Spectrum Disorders and heartily endorsed the DDGMs choice of Charity.

The Masonic chip program had generated forty-eight children’s identification kits and the “Breakfast with Santa” at the HMC had generated a further thirty kits in the short space of a two hour session. The History booklet was then announced as being available at a cost of $5.00 and could be obtained from the District Historian. The three Districts Memorial Service was held in the Scottish Rite Cathedral on Saturday 10th November 2012 at 10am. The passing of R.W. Bro. Clifford Tootell on 13th January 2012 was announced, who had served this District and Masonry in general and, it was reported that the family had expressed their great appreciation for the service that had been held on his behalf.

2012 - R.W. Bro. D. Wayne Robinson, Westmount No. 671
District Secretary - David Midgley

At the September Fall meeting of 2012, at the Hillcrest Masonic Temple, It was announced that 12 Lodges were present from the District with one being absent. It was also expressed with regret of the extinguishing the Lights of Centennial Daylight Lodge No. 679. It was announced that the first Annual BBQ of District C had been a great success with the next BBQ would be held on Saturday 22nd June 2013. The DDGM’s Charity is the Salvation Army and there would be food drives and kettle collections to be held at respective Lodges. It was announced that the Regalia of R.W. Bro. Donald Jaggard, who passed away on 2nd August 2012, had been returned to the District.

R. W. Bro Norman McCarthy was appointed to Honorary Member of the Board of General Purpose and V.W. Bro Martin Tees to Grand Steward and, both were congratulated by the brethren present. The DDGM then stated that when the DDGM enters the Lodge and assumes the Gavel there is new wording that will be said, which is, ”Greetings from the Grand Master_______________” He will no longer say from the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. This is a directive from the Grand Master.

The Blood Donor Clinics are gaining in strength and numbers and 2011 donations have been made, from July 2012, as at May 11th 2013. The DDGM Charity for the Hamilton Salvation Army generated a total package in the amount of $27,704.35 and proved to be a very creditable drive by the Masons and their families of District C.

2013 - R.W. Bro. Geoffrey S. Allan, The Electric Lodge No. 495
District Secretary – Jordan C. Slade

At the Fall meeting on the 7th September there were representation s from all thirteen Lodges. The D.D.G.M thanked all for attending and stated that there would be an additional meeting for the Master and wardens of each of the Lodges as prescribed by the Custodian of the Work, immediately after the District meeting.

Corinthian Lodge held there 100th Anniversary meeting on the 24th October at which the Grand Master, M. Wor. Bro. Donald A. Campbell, who was in attendance, carried out a re-dedication of the Lodge. The D.D.G.M. urged the brethren to support the District Charity which will be “Neighbour2neighbour” food drive for the support of needy families living on Hamilton Mountain. Drop boxes would be placed at the respective Masonic meeting Halls and would be serviced throughout the year.

R.W.Bro Eduardo Cordero, blood Donor Chairman then urged the District to increase the number of Clinics and volunteers to assist. The numbers of donations from the Lodges, both in blood and financial contributions, was most encouraging and was finally putting District C in a favourable position.

At the 11th January 2014 District meeting Mr. Douglas Farraway, Director of Development for the “Neighbour2Neighbour” Centre spoke in depth on the history of the program and of the realities of the centre’s challenges and need for the local community. W.Bro. David McDonald gave an update on the Blood Donor programme and on the aggressive approaches that he had been working on of contracts and locations for holding Clinics. He was also working with local business to drive more people to visit clinics and thus donate.

District Web master, Brother Bill Paul then reported on the District Web-site to say, that he was greatly encouraged by the fact that most Lodges are now making use of the Trestle board to post Lodge meetings and events., as well as the increased participation and visitation at the District level. The D.D.G.M then announced that Ionic Lodge No. 549 would step out of the DDGM rotation for lack of an eligible candidate for 2014. The D.D.G.M. then gave acknowledgement to W.Bro. Devin Tuinstra for the creation of the Website and to bro. Bill Paul for his participation in the management of the site. The DDGM then presented W.Bro. tuinstra with the Silver Award from Grand Lodge for his accomplishments on the District Website.

The DDGM made a special mention of thanks to R. Wor. Bro. Eduardo Cordo for all of his efforts as Blood Donor Chairman over the past number of year. Also to W. Bro. David McDonald who will continue on as Chairman. He also thanked W. Bro. Harley Auty for his commitment and service as District Chronicle editor, and wished him well upon leaving that position. The District Charity “Neighbour2Neighbour” closed out the DDGM’s year with a finally total exceeding $25.000.00 financially and food donations.

2014 - R.W. Bro. Glen J. Notman, Temple Lodge No. 324
District Secretary W. Bro. Mihai (Mike) Samoila

The Year 2014 marked the 40th Anniversary of Hamilton Masonic District ‘C’ and Westmount LodgeNo.671 hosted the Deputy Grand Master, R. Wor. Bro. John C. Green, together with the Grand Lodge Secretary, Most Wor. Bro. Terence Shand on their Installation night which would be carried out by past D.D.G.M’s. who would comprise the team on the Installation of R. Wor. Bro. John L. MacPherson.

The D.D.G.M. announced that the District charity effort would once again be Neighbour2Neighbour food drive and urged the brethren to encourage their members to participate in this very worthy project. The D.D.G.M. together with R. Wor. Bro. Geoffrey S. Allan would be organising a special adjunct to the District charity of a coldest night of the year winter walk-a-thon which was held on the 22nd February 2015. The charity drive proved to be a successful series of events with in excess of Fifteen thousand five hundred dollars ($15,500.00) being presented to the Neighbour2Neighbour Centre.

The District Picnic and BBQ was held on the 30th May 2015 at Winona 50 Point Conservation park, with the draw for the Charity trip to New York City being held at that event. The District Chronicle continues to provide very interesting and formative information and keeps the brethren of the district well apprised of the ongoing events. Likewise, the District Web site is a very effective tool for providing the various Trestle-Boards and events throughout the masonic year. The Grand Lodge of Instruction was well attended with members from all three districts taking in the words of wisdom, proper methods of protocol and the mechanics of the work.

The Lodge of The Ancient Landmarks No.654/Doric No. 382 hosted the first in a series of five Brother to Brother seminars and Hugh Murray Lodge No. 602 continues to celebrate its receiving of the “Cornerstone Lodge” certificate from Grand Lodge. Several other notable events occurred over the winter months, with Hamilton District ‘C’ hockey team once again defeating the Niagara brethren. Landmarks/Doric hosted a presentation on the progression of Officers. They were also the first Lodge in the district to be presented with the Travelling Bible to be presented to the Lodge having the most number of brethren in attendance at the event of Divine Service. R. Wor. Bro. Kenneth Adamson gave a presentation on Historical Buildings of Hamilton at the Past Master breakfast, and the Electric Lodge No. 495., Hugh Murray Lodge No. 602 and St. Andrews Lodge No. 593 held their respective “Robbie Burns” celebrations.

Ad Hoc History Committee Report
June 30th . 2010

Further details on the specific events of each year, as extracted from the District Meetings record book, can be obtained by a contacting the District “C” Historian.

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