Sponsored by the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario, the MASONICh.I.P Program consists of five major components – digital photographs;
digital video; digital fingerprints; vital child information; and a dental bite impression or Intra Oral Swab for DNA. The photographs, video, fingerprints, and
child data are burned onto a C.D. that is compatible with Amber Alert. The dental impression provides a virtual diagram of the child's biting surface, which,
like fingerprints, are unique to each individual and further supplies saliva to provide a DNA sample. Combined, this five part process provides a dramatic,
time-sensitive recovery tool for authorities.
Parents are urged to gather pertinent information about their child prior to the event such as, an emergency contact name, address and phone numbers,
distinguishing marks and scars, allergies, medications, and parent’s work, cell, and other phone numbers, and the child’s height and weight. Security and
privacy are of utmost importance. All information and specimens are collected on site, processed, and provided to the parent or guardian in an envelope—along
with the sentiment of all the Masonic volunteers – "We hope you never need to use it." After each child is processed, the data is deleted and erased from the
computer using state-of-the-art software. The only item retained by MASONICh.I.P Ontario is the signed permission slip.
This MasoniCHIP Ontario child identification clinic is offered during many events throughout the year. The Masonic brethren of Ontario, and their volunteers,
are pleased to offer this program to our communities.
Visit the MASONICh.I.P Ontario website at http://www.masonichip.ca