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The Legacy and Collected Works
M.W. Bro. Raymond S.J. Daniels

What follows is an anthology of the Masonic Works of our beloved
Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Raymond S. J. Daniels

Masonic Minutes

These Masonic Minutes are intended to supply a short instructional note that may be used by the Worshipful Master to provide a Learning Opportunity at every meeting of the Lodge, thereby fulfilling his stated duty: "to employ and instruct the Brethren in Masonry". Ideally, they could be used to initiate a discussion among the Brethren present. The ideas expressed and the interpretations suggested are strictly personal, and are not sanctioned or authorized by the Grand Lodge or any of its Committees.

If you find them interesting or informative, please feel free to share them with your Brethren. As free-thinking or Speculative Masons, I cannot tell you how to think, nor can I tell you what to think, but hopefully I can give you something to think about.


According to merit and ability
A Christmas Carol
A Personal Note to a Potential Candidate from an Old Past Master
Basic Training - Masonic Knowledge
Circumspice: Symbols Hidden in Plain View
Freemasonry is not an end in itself, but a means to an end, "Whither are you directing your course?"
From Darkness to Light - Sons of light - The Hoodwink
Lest We Forget
On minding our own business
Our fraternity has been formed and maintained in perfect unanimity and concord
Pillars and Columns
"So here's a hand my trusty friend"
Some must of necessity Rule and Teach
The Canadian Maple Leaf Flag
The Certificate of a Master Mason
The Craftsmen have done their duty
The Introduction of Candidates
The Form of the Lodge
The Grand Design
The Lesson of the Third Degree
The Lodge
The Mosaic Pavement
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. &. A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario
The Second Degree
The Secrets and Mysteries of the Order
The Tracing Board in the Third Degree - Illustrating our Traditional History
The Value of History
To the Newly Made Mason
To the Queen and the Craft
Under the Wands
Universal Brotherhood - Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Veiled in Allegory and illustrated by Symbols
What are we trying to save?
What is a Lodge?
Where Charity and Love are, God is There
Why we are "Masons" - The Symbolism of Stone
Words are highly prized among Masons - A Cautionary Note

Masonic Moments

At the Round Table
Closing Remarks as Grand Master
Comrades in Arms - Brothers in Freemasonry - The Battle of Vimy Ridge
'Convivial Freemasonry'
Countryside Rambles
For every WHY there is a WHEREFORE!
Icon of Knowledge, Teachable Moments
Let's Talk Symbolism
Masonry and Education are Synonymous Terms
Meet Your Friends at the Library
Mozart: Musical Genius - Devoted Freemason
Restoration and Reformation
Something to Think About - Is Freemasonry a 'Secret Society'?
Something to Think About - Once a Mason, Always a Mason
Something to Think About - The Mosaic Pavement
Succession Planning
The Birth of Our Grand Lodge
The Charges of a Freemason ~ Concerning God and Religion
The General Charge
The Globes
The Grand Master's Project 2009-2011
The Loyal Toast 'To the Queen and the Craft'
The Meaning of Masonry
The Moon to Rule the Night
The Protractor
     There is Nothing "higher" than the Master Mason Degree.
The Queen and the Flag - Symbols of Canada
The Rights and Responsibilities of the Ballot - Private Piques and Quarrels
The Role and Importance of the World Conference to the Universal Bond of Brotherhood
The Role of Freemasonry in Universal Peacekeeping
Then and Now
These are not books, but MINDS alive on the shelves
The Season of Festivity
The Trowel
The Well-Dressed Mason
Universal Brotherhood of Man
Welcome to the World of Freemasonry - To a Mason's Family
C.V. of Raymond Daniels

Masonic Research

2000 - Fact-Fiction-Fantasy, It's Our History
2001 - Blue - The Colour of Freemasonry
2002 - The Lyf So Short - The Craft So Long To Lerne
2003 - Geometry, or Masonry, Originally Synonymous Terms
2005 - Common Origins - Shared Traditions
2013 - THE WAR OF 1812-1815 and REVIEW

Masonic Press

September 7 2009 - Freemasonry Is Better Than Fiction
October 20 2009 - Unlocking The Mystery Of A Not-So-Secret Society
October 25 2009 - Masons Enjoying Renewed Interest
April 17 2010 - Freemasonry Organization Has Long History In Kingston Area
June 30 2010 - Masonic Secrets - Out For Good
March 2 2010 - Lamp For The Grand Master's Office

Masonic Memorial

by M.W. Bro. Donald H. Mumby

That incredibly rigorous intellectual mind and that gifted eloquence that were his trademarks will be no more; the friendship that was offered so graciously is now but a memory and we gather to bid a fond farewell to a friend and brother.

Raymond Sydney James Daniels, the 74th grand master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario first saw the light of Masonry in his father's Lodge, Orillia Lodge No. 192 in Orillia in 1959. He was to hold membership in a number of lodges throughout this jurisdiction, was the Worshipful Master of New Hope Lodge - now Mystic Tie Lodge No. 279 - and New Light Daylight Lodge No. 744 when it was founded in 2001. He was elected Grand Junior Warden for the term 2000-2001 and served on the Board of General Purposes from 2001 until 2007 when he was elected Deputy Grand Master. He was installed as Grand Master on July 15, 2009.

As his theme for office Ray used the words of an ancient Hebrew scribe which best describe his approach to Masonic life - "get knowledge, get wisdom, but with all thy getting, get understanding", for he believed that understanding the real and profound meaning of freemasonry should be the quest of every serious mason. Throughout his Masonic career Ray did just that - not only did he seek that profound understanding himself, but he tried to get people to understand that Freemasonry and Education are really synonymous terms. Right to the very end his Masonic Minutes were a source of enlightenment to those who studied them and I am grateful for those brethren of the Ancient Landmarks incorporating Doric Lodge of Hamilton who have taken the time to bring all of these Masonic Minutes together in one publication so that all Masons, present and future, may benefit from them.

In his efforts to ensure that all Masons had access to the benefits offered by our fraternity he spearheaded the initiative that led to the formation of Canada Lodge (UD) in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He also lent his full support to the campaign devised to provide free Tim Horton's cards to personnel serving in the Afghan sphere of operations a simple "taste of home" that was appreciated by countless numbers of our warriors abroad.

His other initiative of note, the formation of the Sankey Lectures in coordination with Brock University and his attempt to develop a centre for the study of the impact that Freemasonry has had upon this country is still evolving. M.W. Bro. Daniels was a visionary in this regard and I sincerely hope we do not let this vision fade in years to come.

M.W. Bro. Daniels was never happier than when he was surrounded by young men with a willingness to listen and an eagerness to learn. His Socratic approach to teaching enabled others to become imbued with some of his own desire for knowledge and become enthused by the fire of his rhetoric.

Ray was also a trained and accomplished musician who truly appreciated the classics and in his lifetime he brought the joy of classical and sacred music to countless students and concert goers. Ray was not of course all seriousness - he had a highly developed, dry sense of humour that he often used to bring those with inflated egos back to earth and I am certain that at one time or another many in this theatre today have benefitted from his gentle but well aimed, barbs.

Given his frequent visits to the Ottawa Valley a group of brethren conferred "Honorary Valley Lad" status upon Ray and at some point during every visit to the area he reminded one and all that he really belonged as he was simply, a valley lad. At heart he truly was, for Ray enjoyed the people and the country which had borne them.

Raymond Sydney James Daniels, a man of simple tastes, a man who was renowned far and wide as a scholar, a teacher, a friend, a good man and a good Mason; a man who lived a good life and a man whose fortunes are not indeed, a matter of indifference to God. As is recorded in the gospel of Matthew 25:21 - "well done thou good and faithful servant". He may be gone from us physically but his legacy will continue to be felt for years to come.

A Masonic Memorial Service was held on Sunday January 31, 2:00pm at Dunfield Theatre Cambridge, 46 Grand Avenue South, Cambridge.

The Legacy of Raymond S. J. Daniels

Lifetimes: Beloved music teacher's legacy went far beyond classroom
Ray Daniels of Waterloo. Born: Sept. 2, 1937, in Orillia; Died: Jan. 24, 2016, of age-related illness
As originally published February 8, 2016, The Waterloo Region Record
By Valerie Hill

Ray Daniels was a conundrum, a man who sculpted himself a career that shot him into the limelight, but who also refused public accolades and often downplayed his abilities. Outgoing or introverted? Ray was both, and that is what made him so interesting and a bit mysterious.

Ray taught vocal music at Eastwood Collegiate for 23 years, started numerous choirs and co-founded the Waterloo Regional Gilbert & Sullivan Society, launching it at the school. Because of Ray, students not only found their voices but several went on to professional careers including Alex Mustakas, artistic director of Drayton Entertainment.

Alex recalled, "I learned more about music and the works of Gilbert and Sullivan from him than anyone else I have ever met. He set the musical bar for me, no pun intended. An amazing human being."

Opera singer Thomas Goerz wrote a lengthy tribute to his old teacher, speaking of Ray's ability to inspire students. Ray was always at school an hour early and he led at least three choirs while encouraging even the most reluctant singer to open his mouth and just try.

"Raymond Daniels was known to many an Eastwood music student as Uncle Ray, Mister D, but usually just good ol' Ray," recalled Thomas. "Though I came from a musical family, it was Ray Daniels who was the true difference maker. He gave me the confidence to take the plunge into the unknown: a career in the performing arts."

Ray's father was an orchestral musician so the love of music might have been genetic. As a child, Ray studied piano then graduated to the organ at 13. At 17, he was hired as church organist in Barrie and later studied for a decade with a Toronto organist and at Syracuse University in New York. Ray also held diplomas from Trinity College of Music in London, England, and an undergraduate degree from Wilfrid Laurier University in music and history.

Ray was hired by a church in Simcoe where he was also music supervisor for the school board. It was in Simcoe that he met Brenda, a music teacher. Brenda declined to be interviewed for this feature. The couple, married for 52 years, didn't have children.

In 1967 Ray accepted the vacated organist's position at Trinity United Church in Kitchener. He was aware of the church's reputation and told a Record reporter at the time "one of the reasons for my wanting to come to Trinity was its tradition of music. Because of the background and the service already done here the church staff was anxious that they be continued. I am also."

Ray and Brenda were musical powerhouses in the region. Brenda sang in the Grand Philharmonic Choir, then known as the K-W Philharmonic Choir, and Ray served as accompanist.

Retired conductor Howard Dyck said Ray was an exceptional accompanist, an intuitive musician who anticipated the choir's needs, sometimes before Howard did.

"An accompanist has to be a pretty good pianist," said Howard. "He needs to be looking at the choir, watching what the choir is doing."

Ray had to play with emphasis if a particular section was faltering, trying to get them back on track and he usually knew exactly which bar to start at after the conductor stopped the singing to fix a problem.

"Ray was able to do this magnificently," said Howard. "He was a very fine musician."

Howard also spoke of how much his friend loved Great Britain, particularly the musical history, and he had taken The Renaissance Singers, a choral group he founded in 1972, to perform at festivals in England.

"He was an Anglophile, he loved all things English," said Howard. "He was a walking encyclopedia of music, very knowledgeable."

Ray often suggested beautiful but neglected pieces of music, works that even Howard didn't know.

On a personal level, Howard said his friend was "a quirky guy who didn't suffer fools gladly. He would say really irreverent things about people he thought were uninformed. He was very funny."

As Ray began winding down his musical career, he poured his energies into Freemasonry. Ray had joined his father's Orillia lodge in 1959 and he was an active Mason during his teaching career. By the early 1990s, he started moving up until he reached the highest rank in the province, that of Grand Master. Ray shared his fraternity's basic tenet of gentlemanly behaviour and compassion for others.

Fellow Mason David Cameron said that Ray worked hard to open lines of communication between the general public and the Masons, an organization that has long suffered from distorted public opinion about what goes on behind closed doors.

"He wanted to be open with them, get the facts out there as opposed to all those conspiracy theories," said David. "He rose to the top quickly because of his enthusiasm and his teaching ability."

Ray came up with the idea of the Masons and Brock University partnering to establish the prestigious Dr. Charles A. Sankey Lecture Series on Masonic studies and they also established a Masonic lodge in Afghanistan on a Canadian Forces base, to give young soldiers a sense of fraternity.

"He made it happen," said David.

What made Ray a good Grand Master? David thinks it was his friend's caring manner and how he would gravitate to new members ensuring they felt welcome.

"He always had a smile when he'd greet you," said David. "He was always approachable."

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