Masonic District C - Hamilton, Ontario
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District Newsletter
Click below for the current issue of the District 'C'hronicle. If you know of any brethren who are unable to receive the newsletter in this digital format, please take the time to print a copy for them as well.

Please note, that this newsletter is our newsletter for the district, and all brethren are welcome to make submissions to it. Please direct submissions by clicking to email R.W. Bro. Glen Notman.

•  Jul, 2024 - Edition No. 191 (pdf) In this Issue A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master.. Grand Master’s June Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message Around the District, Our District Lodges - Year at a Glance Masonic Education - Canada Day History Editor’s Note, What Does Lodge Mean To You? We need your responses!
•  Jun, 2024 - Edition No. 190 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master.. Grand Master’s May Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message 169th Grand Lodge Communication Agenda Upcoming District Dates and Events . Around the District Pictures. In Memoriam - Passing of M.W. Bill Pellow Time for Travel, Editor’s Note
•  May, 2024 - Edition No. 189 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master. Grand Master’s April Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message Grand Lodge Meet the Candidates Upcoming District Dates and Events Around the District Pictures Masonic Education. The Candidate and Our Duty to Him In Memoriam, Light Quotes, Editor’s Note
•  Apr, 2024 - Edition No. 188 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master’s March Communique Deputy Grand Master’s Message Upcoming District Dates and Events Around the District, Royal Arch Masonry Consecration of Norman E. Byrne Cathedral Masonic Education. .The Moon in Masonic History Memoriam, R.W. Wayne Robinson, Editor’s Note
•  Mar, 2024 - Edition No. 187 (pdf) A Message from Our District Deputy Grand Master on Spring and other events. Grand Master’s February Communique. Deputy Grand Master’s Message Upcoming District Dates and Events. Around the District, Official Visits, Coffee Club & Cake. Masonic Education – Columns. Realignment is Here, Editor’s Note- and Memoriam

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