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GLCPOO Approved #03D14

Corinthian Lodge No.513

The Early History

The following is a brief report presented by the secretary J. R. Croft to the lodge on the 26th October 1916.

"It is with pleasure and gratification that I herewith submit for your consideration and approval the first printed report of the proceedings of Corinthian Lodge from inception to the present date October 26, 1916."

In the winter months of 1912-13, Bros. Paul E. Lumsden and Fred R. Martin, in reviewing the condition of Masonry in the city, concluded that it was an opportune time for the formation of a new Lodge, principally due to the rapid development, numerically, of the other blue lodges. In discussing the matter with several members of the Craft, they received such enthusiastic encouragement that Bros. Lumsden and Martin, during the month of February, 1913, were instrumental in procuring the signatures of 24 brethren of the craft as Charter members of the projected lodge.

A meeting of the promoters was called for Tuesday, March 27, 1913, when 18 of the proposed Charter members were present. It was unanimously decided to form a new lodge, to be called Corinthian Lodge, that its regular meetings be held on the fourth Thursday of each month and that the consent of the sister lodges be solicited for its formation and that the lodge be regularly instituted on Friday April 25th, 1913.

On the date specified Rt. Wor. Bro. W. H. Wardrope, then D.D.G.M. of Hamilton District No 8, instituted Corinthian Lodge, under dispensation of the Grand Master. On Thursday, October 22, 1914 the G.M., M. W. Bro. W. D. MacPherson, K.C., M.L.A., of Toronto, accompanied by several G. L. officers conducted the constitution and consecration of the Lodge. There were 54 members and 155 visiting brethren present.

On Thursday, November 25, 1915, W. Bro. F. H. Nairn, who held the office for two and a half years, with commendable success and ability, relinquished the gavel to Wor. Bro. Geo. H. Britton.

As W.M., W. Bro. Nairn conducted 61 initiations, and 18 affiliations at 31 regular and 23 emergent meetings. He presided on each occasion, a record of which any W. M. could survey with pardonable pride.

There were exactly 100 members in good standing when Wor. Bro. Britton assumed the chair, today (October 26, 1916) the membership is over 500.

Wor. Bro. T. Booker, P. M. presented the lodge with the Volume of the sacred Law; Wor. Bro. Britton presented the Square and Compasses; Wor. Bro. Nairn presented the engraved cut which adorns the front page of the monthly notice; Bros. R. R. Martin and M. D. Warner contributed a handsome set of deacons’ wands and Wor. Bro. E. A. Vollick, a set of gavels for the three principal officers.
The Lodge is in a flourishing condition at the present time and holds an enviable reputation in this District. The officers on the “way up” are of fine quality and the fine record established will, no doubt, be maintained.

As Corinthian Lodge No 513 approaches its centenary in 2013 the membership may have diminished from 500 to 80. However, the enthusiasm and encouragement displayed by its members proves that the condition of Masonry at Corinthian Lodge is flourishing and that its reputation is still highly respected within the District.

"The desires and expectations of the promoters of the lodge have been more than realized." - J.R.Croft

Officers of the Lodge


Corinthian Lodge No.513
Hamilton Masonic Center, 4 Queen Street South, Hamilton, Ontario

Past Masters of the Lodge

Name Year
R.W.Bro. R. James Stewart 2007
R.W.Bro. Allan J. Cochrane 1992
R.W.Bro. Lloyd R. Hill 1978

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