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GLCPOO Approved #03D14

Temple Lodge No.324

 W. Bro. John Lumsden 
By 1874 there were four well-established Craft Lodges in Hamilton. They were The Barton Lodge No. 6, est. 1795; The Lodge of Strict Observance No. 27, est.1847; St. Johns Lodge No. 40, est. 1852 and Acacia Lodge No. 61, est. 1855. The population of Hamilton had grown to 32,000 and there were new opportunities for commerce, industry and education.

The Brethren of the four City Lodges, were possibly persuaded to build a new Masonic Hall on James Street North by Strict Observance and Barton, with about 700 members on their rolls. With Masonry rapidly increasing it was decided that a new Lodge was needed. W. Bro. John M. Gibson just out of the chairs of Strict Observance probably conceived the idea of the new Temple Lodge. He won support of the Past Masters and brethren of the other Lodges and in November 1874 a Warrant was applied for and granted on July 15th 1875. In January 1875 the new Masonic Hall was officially opened.  Temple Lodge No. 324 held its first warranted meeting at the new Masonic Hall.

The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite also came into being in the same year as Temple Lodge.  Sir John M. Gibson was the first Master of the Lodge serving from 1874 to 1876.  He served as Grand Master 1892/93 and passed away in 1929 leaving many important achievements. He was a major force behind bringing electric power to Hamilton. Known then around the world as “The Electric City”, Hamilton was transformed into a modern and successful commercial and industrial centre.

After the devastating fire of the James Street Lodge Hall in 1968, Temple Lodge met at the Valley Lodge Hall in Dundas.  In 1974 the Lodge celebrated its 100th anniversary with W. Bro. Norm Webb as Master. The speaker was the Deputy Grand Master R.W.Bro. Eric W. Nancekivell.  In 1976 Temple moved to the newly built Central Masonic Temple at 918 Main St. East.

In 2003 the Central Masonic Temple was sold and Temple Lodge moved to the Scottish Rite building at King Street West and Queen Street, now called the Masonic Centre, Hamilton, where it continues to meet on the second Tuesday each month. The Lodge has always had a strong connection with the Scottish Rite and York Rite as well as their connecting bodies.

In 1956/57 three members of Temple Lodge, W. Bro. John Bell, W. Bro. Kenneth Robinson and W. Bro. Herbert Jackson were the Thrice Puissant Grand Master of Murton Lodge of Perfection, the Most Wise Sovereign Of the Hamilton Sovereign Chapter of Rose Croix and Commander-In-Chief of the Moore Sovereign Consistory respectively. This was repeated again in 2006/07 with V. W. Bro. Rory Jones, V.W. Bro. Peter Maley and Temple honorary member R.W. Bro. Jim Sutherland.

M.W. Bro. John Gibson as well as other Temple Lodge brethren have filled these positions.

Temple Lodge is a strong and active Lodge. It continues to serve Masonry with dedication and unity.

Officers of the Lodge

  W. Bro. John Lumsden
Worshipful Master
  W. Bro. Omari Aman
Immediate Past Master
  R.W. Bro. Glen Notman
Phone: 905-545-0541
  W.Bro. Marius Tokaci
Senior Warden
  W.Bro. Mike Lukaroski
Junior Warden
  Bro. Steve Matthews
Senior Deacon
  Bro. Shawn Orgill
Junior Deacon
  Bro. Chris Vert
Inner Guard
  W.Bro. Hal Hillgren
  V.W. Bro. Bob Ross
  W.Bro. Chris Welsh
Director of Ceremonies
  R.W. Bro. Kenneth Adamson
  R.W. Bro. Kenneth Adamson
  W.Bro. David Beland
  W.Bro. Dave Beland

Temple Lodge No.324
4 Queen Street South, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 3R3
phone: 905-545-0541

Past Masters of the Lodge

Name Year
R.W. Bro. Glen J. Notman 2014
R.W.Bro. Kenneth C. Adamson 2000
R.W.Bro. Norman S. Webb 1986

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