Valley Lodge No. 100
In 2008, to mark the 150th Anniversary of Valley Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 100 GRC, the Lodge put together a comprehensive history booklet. Following are a few brief excerpts from the booklet.
The complete booklet is available from the Lodge for $5.
The formation of Valley Lodge No. 100 was authorized in a Dispensation dated April 24, 1858. It was signed by M.W. Bro. William Mercer Wilson, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Canada, as well as the D.D.G.M. and the Grand Secretary. The original document still hangs in the library of the Dundas Masonic Temple.
Under the original Dispensation, the first meeting was held on May 5, 1858. At the time, the population of Dundas was 2,710 and the average annual income was around $200. The initiation fee was $25 and dues, (which were paid quarterly), were 37½ cents for each regular Lodge night.
The Lodge was originally numbered 55 on the GRC, but that was changed in 1859 to No. 100 when all Lodges in the jurisdiction were renumbered.
The original meeting place was across the street from the present location on the south-west corner of King and Main Streets, where the Dundas Police Station now stands. In 1875 the Lodge moved across the street into its present location, and in 1945 the Lodge purchased the building for $10,000, thanks to the generous contributions of members who pitched in financially to buy the building and renovate it.
Between 1874-1881 the Lodge shared its premises with Hiram Lodge No. 317, but in 1881, the two Lodges amalgamated.
It’s also interesting to note that Valley Lodge was not the first Masonic Lodge in Dundas. Between 1810 and 1824 a lodge known as Union Lodge No. 24 met in Dundas, Ancaster and West Flamboro. Its meetings were usually held in private residences of members, and moved from place to place.
Over the past 150 years, Valley Lodge has held 1,489 regular meetings and initiated 1,314 members. The Lodge has had two William Mercer Wilson Award recipients and one member who was Knighted. It has produced 33 Grand Lodge officers, and awarded 77 50-year pins, 15 60-year pins, and one 75-year pin.
Valley Lodge Post Sesqui-Centennial
In the ten plus years since our sesquicentennial celebrations in October 2008 Valley Lodge has initiated 15 new brothers, passed 14 and raised 15 and accepted 6 affiliates.
On the 11th November 2011 we honoured W. Bro. George Glover, long time member and W.W.II veteran of the RCAF who flew as bombardier on Lancaster aircraft for 29 missions, 26 over Germany. Unfortunately, he passed peacefully to the Grand Lodge above the following February at age 98. Also, in 2011 V.W. Bro. Wolfgang Schneiders was appointed Grand Steward.
In 2016 R.W. Bro. Craig Knapman was elected District Deputy Grand Master of Hamilton district C and on his official visit to Valley Lodge in February 2017 his son W. Bro. Brendan Knapman travelled in secret from Calgary to surprise his father by leading the Grand Honours.
In September 2017 V.W. Bro. Lance Mullet was ceremoniously given his regalia as Grand Pursuivant, and then in October we honoured R.W. Bro. Roger Parliament for his contributions to our lodge and to the craft in general. Roger is also a W.W.II vet serving in North Africa and Italy.
During the 10+ years we had 4 members qualifying for 50 year pins and 2 members qualifying for 60 year pins, all but 2 received them, these members lived too far away.
V.W. Bro. Lance Mullett
Worshipful Master
Phone: 905-572-5535 |
W. Bro. Jeff Maltby
Immediate Past Master
W. Bro. Colin J. Pfeiffer
Phone: 905-906-6930
Bro. Christopher Boivin
Senior Warden
Bro. Brendan Knapman
Junior Warden
Bro. Michael Bown
Senior Deacon
Bro. Gordon Morin
Junior Deacon
R.W. Bro. Geoff Allan
Inner Guard
W. Bro. Al Lutchin
R.W. Craig Knapman
R.W. Bro. William Millar
Director of Ceremonies
W. Bro. Scott Lehane
W. Bro. Aaron Smith
Valley Lodge No. 100
Temple Address: 4 Queen St. S., Hamilton, Ontario
Mailing Address: c/o 173 Pleasant Avenue, Dundas, Ontario, L9H 3V3